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Higher-dimensional Auslander-Reiten sequences

Jiangsha Li, Jing He (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Zhou and Zhu have shown that if 𝒞 is an ( n + 2 ) -angulated category and 𝒳 is a cluster tilting subcategory of 𝒞 , then the quotient category 𝒞 / 𝒳 is an n -abelian category. We show that if 𝒞 has Auslander-Reiten ( n + 2 ) -angles, then 𝒞 / 𝒳 has Auslander-Reiten n -exact sequences.

Higher-dimensional cluster combinatorics and representation theory

Steffen Oppermann, Hugh Thomas (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Higher Auslander algebras were introduced by Iyama generalizing classical concepts from representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras. Recently these higher analogues of classical representation theory have been increasingly studied. Cyclic polytopes are classical objects of study in convex geometry. In particular, their triangulations have been studied with a view towards generalizing the rich combinatorial structure of triangulations of polygons. In this paper, we demonstrate a connection...

Hochschild cohomology groups of certain algebras of analytic functions with coefficients in one-dimensional bimodules

Olaf Ermert (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We compute the algebraic and continuous Hochschild cohomology groups of certain Fréchet algebras of analytic functions on a domain U in n with coefficients in one-dimensional bimodules. Among the algebras considered, we focus on A=A(U). For this algebra, our results apply if U is smoothly bounded and strictly pseudoconvex, or if U is a product domain.

Hochschild cohomology of generalized multicoil algebras

Piotr Malicki, Andrzej Skowroński (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We determine the Hochschild cohomology of all finite-dimensional generalized multicoil algebras over an algebraically closed field, which are the algebras for which the Auslander-Reiten quiver admits a separating family of almost cyclic coherent components. In particular, the analytically rigid generalized multicoil algebras are described.

Hochschild Cohomology of skew group rings and invariants

E. Marcos, R. Martínez-Villa, Ma. Martins (2004)

Open Mathematics

Let A be a k-algebra and G be a group acting on A. We show that G also acts on the Hochschild cohomology algebra HH ⊙ (A) and that there is a monomorphism of rings HH ⊙ (A) G→HH ⊙ (A[G]). That allows us to show the existence of a monomorphism from HH ⊙ (Ã) G into HH ⊙ (A), where à is a Galois covering with group G.

Hochschild cohomology of socle deformations of a class of Koszul self-injective algebras

Nicole Snashall, Rachel Taillefer (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider the socle deformations arising from formal deformations of a class of Koszul self-injective special biserial algebras which occur in the study of the Drinfeld double of the generalized Taft algebras. We show, for these deformations, that the Hochschild cohomology ring modulo nilpotence is a finitely generated commutative algebra of Krull dimension 2.

Hochschild (co)homology of Yoneda algebras of reconstruction algebras of type 𝐀 1

Bo Hou, Yanhong Guo (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The reconstruction algebra is a generalization of the preprojective algebra, and plays important roles in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. We consider the homological property of this class of algebras by calculating the Hochschild homology and Hochschild cohomology. Let Λ t be the Yoneda algebra of a reconstruction algebra of type 𝐀 1 over a field . I n t h i s p a p e r , a m i n i m a l p r o j e c t i v e b i m o d u l e r e s o l u t i o n o f t i s c o n s t r u c t e d , a n d t h e -dimensions of all Hochschild homology and cohomology groups of Λ t are calculated explicitly.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 90