Displaying 461 – 480 of 565

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On the structure of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay bigraded modules

Leila Parsaei Majd, Ahad Rahimi (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K be a field and S = K [ x 1 , ... , x m , y 1 , ... , y n ] be the standard bigraded polynomial ring over K . In this paper, we explicitly describe the structure of finitely generated bigraded “sequentially Cohen-Macaulay” S -modules with respect to Q = ( y 1 , ... , y n ) . Next, we give a characterization of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules with respect to Q in terms of local cohomology modules. Cohen-Macaulay modules that are sequentially Cohen-Macaulay with respect to Q are considered.

On the structure of the augmentation quotient group for some nonabelian 2-groups

Jizhu Nan, Huifang Zhao (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a finite nonabelian group, G its associated integral group ring, and ( G ) its augmentation ideal. For the semidihedral group and another nonabelian 2-group the problem of their augmentation ideals and quotient groups Q n ( G ) = n ( G ) / n + 1 ( G ) is deal with. An explicit basis for the augmentation ideal is obtained, so that the structure of its quotient groups can be determined.

On the structure of triangulated categories with finitely many indecomposables

Claire Amiot (2007)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We study the problem of classifying triangulated categories with finite-dimensional morphism spaces and finitely many indecomposables over an algebraically closed field k . We obtain a new proof of the following result due to Xiao and Zhu: the Auslander-Reiten quiver of such a category 𝒯 is of the form Δ / G where Δ is a disjoint union of simply-laced Dynkin diagrams and G a weakly admissible group of automorphisms of Δ . Then we prove that for ‘most’ groups G , the category 𝒯 is standard,i.e. k -linearly...

On the structure theory of the Iwasawa algebra of a p-adic Lie group

Otmar Venjakob (2002)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

This paper is motivated by the question whether there is a nice structure theory of finitely generated modules over the Iwasawa algebra, i.e. the completed group algebra, Λ of a p -adic analytic group G . For G without any p -torsion element we prove that Λ is an Auslander regular ring. This result enables us to give a good definition of the notion of a pseudo-null Λ -module. This is classical when G = p k for some integer k 1 , but was previously unknown in the non-commutative case. Then the category of Λ -modules...

On the tameness of trivial extension algebras

Ibrahim Assem, José de la Peña (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a finite dimensional algebra A over an algebraically closed field, let T(A) denote the trivial extension of A by its minimal injective cogenerator bimodule. We prove that, if T A is a tilting module and B = E n d T A , then T(A) is tame if and only if T(B) is tame.

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 565