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On μ -singular and μ -extending modules

Yahya Talebi, Ali Reza Moniri Hamzekolaee (2012)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let M be a module and μ be a class of modules in Mod - R which is closed under isomorphisms and submodules. As a generalization of essential submodules Özcan in [8] defines a μ -essential submodule provided it has a non-zero intersection with any non-zero submodule in μ . We define and investigate μ -singular modules. We also introduce μ -extending and weakly μ -extending modules and mainly study weakly μ -extending modules. We give some characterizations of μ -co-H-rings by weakly μ -extending modules. Let R ...

On ( σ , τ ) -derivations in prime rings

Mohammad Ashraf, Nadeem-ur-Rehman (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let R be a 2-torsion free prime ring and let σ , τ be automorphisms of R . For any x , y R , set [ x , y ] σ , τ = x σ ( y ) - τ ( y ) x . Suppose that d is a ( σ , τ ) -derivation defined on R . In the present paper it is shown that ( i ) if R satisfies [ d ( x ) , x ] σ , τ = 0 , then either d = 0 or R is commutative ( i i ) if I is a nonzero ideal of R such that [ d ( x ) , d ( y ) ] = 0 , for all x , y I , and d commutes with both σ and τ , then either d = 0 or R is commutative. ( i i i ) if I is a nonzero ideal of R such that d ( x y ) = d ( y x ) , for all x , y I , and d commutes with τ , then R is commutative. Finally a related result has been obtain for ( σ , τ ) -derivation....

On τ -extending modules

Y. Talebi, R. Mohammadi (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we introduce the concept of τ -extending modules by τ -rational submodules and study some properties of such modules. It is shown that the set of all τ -rational left ideals of R R is a Gabriel filter. An R -module M is called τ -extending if every submodule of M is τ -rational in a direct summand of M . It is proved that M is τ -extending if and only if M = R e j M E ( R / τ ( R ) ) N , such that N is a τ -extending submodule of M . An example is given to show that the direct sum of τ -extending modules need not be τ -extending....

One-dimensional infinitesimal-birational duality through differential operators

Tomasz Maszczyk (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The structure of filtered algebras of Grothendieck's differential operators on a smooth fat point in a curve and graded Poisson algebras of their principal symbols is explicitly determined. A related infinitesimal-birational duality realized by a Springer type resolution of singularities and the Fourier transformation is presented. This algebro-geometrical duality is quantized in appropriate sense and its quantum origin is explained.

One-sided Gorenstein subcategories

Weiling Song, Tiwei Zhao, Zhaoyong Huang (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We introduce the right (left) Gorenstein subcategory relative to an additive subcategory 𝒞 of an abelian category 𝒜 , and prove that the right Gorenstein subcategory r 𝒢 ( 𝒞 ) is closed under extensions, kernels of epimorphisms, direct summands and finite direct sums. When 𝒞 is self-orthogonal, we give a characterization for objects in r 𝒢 ( 𝒞 ) , and prove that any object in 𝒜 with finite r 𝒢 ( 𝒞 ) -projective dimension is isomorphic to a kernel (or a cokernel) of a morphism from an object in 𝒜 with finite 𝒞 -projective dimension...

Onα-almost Artinian modules

Maryam Davoudian, Ahmad Halali, Nasrin Shirali (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this article we introduce and study the concept of α-almost Artinian modules. We show that each α-almost Artinian module M is almost Artinian (i.e., every proper homomorphic image of M is Artinian), where α ∈ {0,1}. Using this concept we extend some of the basic results of almost Artinian modules to α-almost Artinian modules. Moreover we introduce and study the concept of α-Krull modules. We observe that if M is an α-Krull module then the Krull dimension of M is either α or α + 1.

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 565