Rings with Dense Quasi-Centre.
Zelmanowitz [12] introduced the concept of ring, which we call right zip rings, with the defining properties below, which are equivalent:(ZIP 1) If the right anihilator X⊥ of a subset X of R is zero, then X1⊥ = 0 for a finite subset X1 ⊆ X.(ZIP 2) If L is a left ideal and if L⊥ = 0, then L1⊥ = 0 for a finitely generated left ideal L1 ⊆ L.In [12], Zelmanowitz noted that any ring R satisfying the d.c.c. on anihilator right ideals (= dcc ⊥) is a right zip ring, and hence, so is any subring of R. He...
We discuss the roots of the Nakayama and Auslander-Reiten translations in the derived category of coherent sheaves over a weighted projective line. As an application we derive some new results on the structure of selfinjective algebras of canonical type.
We develop the connection between Rota-Baxter operators arisen from algebra and mathematical physics and Bernoulli polynomials. We state that a trivial property of Rota-Baxter operators implies the symmetry of the power sum polynomials and Bernoulli polynomials. We show how Rota-Baxter operators equalities rewritten in terms of Bernoulli polynomials generate identities for the latter.
We give the description of Rota–Baxter operators, Reynolds operators, Nijenhuis operators and average operators on 3-dimensional nilpotent associative algebras over .
In this paper, we firstly introduce a special congruence relation U(μ, t) induced by a fuzzy ideal μ in a semigroup S. Then we define the lower and upper approximations based on a fuzzy ideal in semigroups. We can establish rough semigroups, rough ideals, rough prime ideals, rough fuzzy semigroups, rough fuzzy ideals and rough fuzzy prime ideals according to the definitions of rough sets and rough fuzzy sets. Furthermore, we shall consider the relationships among semigroups and rough semigroups,...