Displaying 1801 – 1820 of 3959

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On feebly nil-clean rings

Marjan Sheibani Abdolyousefi, Neda Pouyan (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A ring R is feebly nil-clean if for any a R there exist two orthogonal idempotents e , f R and a nilpotent w R such that a = e - f + w . Let R be a 2-primal feebly nil-clean ring. We prove that every matrix ring over R is feebly nil-clean. The result for rings of bounded index is also obtained. These provide many classes of rings over which every matrix is the sum of orthogonal idempotent and nilpotent matrices.

On filial rings

Andrusziewicz, R., Puczylowski, E.R. (1988)

Portugaliae mathematica

On FI-mono-retractable modules

Marziyeh Atashkar, Yahya Talebi (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce the notion of FI-mono-retractable modules which is a generalization of compressible modules. We investigate the properties of such modules. It is shown that the rings over which every cyclic module is FI-mono-retractable are simple Noetherian V -ring with zero socle or Artinian semisimple. The last section of the paper is devoted to the endomorphism rings of FI-retractable modules.

On finiteness conditions for subalgebras with zero multiplication

Jan Krempa (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let F be a commutative ring with unit. In this paper, for an associative F-algebra A we study some properties forced by finite length or DCC condition on F-submodules of A that are subalgebras with zero multiplication. Such conditions were considered earlier when F was either a field or the ring of rational integers. In the final section, we consider algebras with maximal commutative subalgebras of finite length as F-modules and obtain some results parallel to those known for ACC condition or finite...

On flat covers in varieties

David Kruml (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Flat covers do not exist in all varieties. We give a necessary condition for the existence of flat covers and some examples of varieties where not all algebras have flat covers.

On free subgroups of units in quaternion algebras

Jan Krempa (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is well known that for the ring H(ℤ) of integral quaternions the unit group U(H(ℤ) is finite. On the other hand, for the rational quaternion algebra H(ℚ), its unit group is infinite and even contains a nontrivial free subgroup. In this note (see Theorem 1.5 and Corollary 2.6) we find all intermediate rings ℤ ⊂ A ⊆ ℚ such that the group of units U(H(A)) of quaternions over A contains a nontrivial free subgroup. In each case we indicate such a subgroup explicitly. We do our best to keep the arguments...

Currently displaying 1801 – 1820 of 3959