Displaying 1921 – 1940 of 3959

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On nonstandard tame selfinjective algebras having only periodic modules

Jerzy Białkowski, Thorsten Holm, Andrzej Skowroński (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We investigate degenerations and derived equivalences of tame selfinjective algebras having no simply connected Galois coverings but the stable Auslander-Reiten quiver consisting only of tubes, discovered recently in [4].

On ordered division rings

Ismail M. Idris (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Prestel introduced a generalization of the notion of an ordering of a field, which is called a semiordering. Prestel's axioms for a semiordered field differ from the usual (Artin-Schreier) postulates in requiring only the closedness of the domain of positivity under x ↦ xa² for non-zero a, in place of requiring that positive elements have a positive product. Our aim in this work is to study this type of ordering in the case of a division ring. We show that it actually behaves just as in the commutative...

On ordered division rings

Ismail M. Idris (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Prestel introduced a generalization of the notion of an ordering of a field, which is called a semiordering. Prestel’s axioms for a semiordered field differ from the usual (Artin-Schreier) postulates in requiring only the closedness of the domain of positivity under x x a 2 for nonzero a , instead of requiring that positive elements have a positive product. In this work, this type of ordering is studied in the case of a division ring. It is shown that it actually behaves the same as in the commutative...

On p -injectivity, YJ-injectivity and quasi-Frobeniusean rings

Roger Yue Chi Ming (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A new characteristic property of von Neumann regular rings is proposed in terms of annihilators of elements. An ELT fully idempotent ring is a regular ring whose simple left (or right) modules are either injective or projective. Artinian rings are characterized in terms of Noetherian rings. Strongly regular rings and rings whose two-sided ideals are generated by central idempotents are characterized in terms of special annihilators. Quasi-Frobeniusean rings are characterized in terms of p -injectivity....

On path coalgebras of quivers with relations

Pascual Jara, Luis M. Merino, Gabriel Navarro (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The notion of the path coalgebra of a quiver with relations introduced in [11] and [12] is studied. In particular, developing this topic in the context of the weak* topology, we give a criterion that allows us to verify whether or not a relation subcoalgebra of a path coalgebra is the path coalgebra of a quiver with relations.

On periodic rings.

Du, Xiankun, Yi, Qi (2001)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On presentations of semigroup rings

Mario Petrich, Pedro V. Silva (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Siano I un ideale di un anello R e σ una congruenza su un semigruppo S . Consideriamo l'anello semigruppo R / I S / σ come un'immagine omomorfa dell'anello semigruppo R S . Questo è fatto in tre passi: prima studiando l'anello semigruppo R S / σ , poi R / I S e infine combinando i due casi speciali. In ciascun caso, determiniamo l'ideale che è il nucleo dell'omomorfismo in questione. I risultati corrispondenti per le C -algebre, dove C è un anello commutativo, possono essere facilmente dedotti. Alcuni raffinamenti, casi speciali...

Currently displaying 1921 – 1940 of 3959