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Modules tertiaires

Dimitri Latsis (1976/1977)

Groupe d'étude d'algèbre Groupe d'étude d'algèbre

Modules which are invariant under idempotents of their envelopes

Le Van Thuyet, Phan Dan, Truong Cong Quynh (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the class of modules which are invariant under idempotents of their envelopes. We say that a module M is -idempotent-invariant if there exists an -envelope u : M → X such that for any idempotent g ∈ End(X) there exists an endomorphism f : M → M such that uf = gu. The properties of this class of modules are discussed. We prove that M is -idempotent-invariant if and only if for every decomposition X = i I X i , we have M = i I ( u - 1 ( X i ) M ) . Moreover, some generalizations of -idempotent-invariant modules are considered....

Modules with the direct summand sum property

Dumitru Vălcan (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The present work gives some characterizations of R -modules with the direct summand sum property (in short DSSP), that is of those R -modules for which the sum of any two direct summands, so the submodule generated by their union, is a direct summand, too. General results and results concerning certain classes of R -modules (injective or projective) with this property, over several rings, are presented.

n - gr -coherent rings and Gorenstein graded modules

Mostafa Amini, Driss Bennis, Soumia Mamdouhi (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a graded ring and n 1 be an integer. We introduce and study the notions of Gorenstein n -FP-gr-injective and Gorenstein n -gr-flat modules by using the notion of special finitely presented graded modules. On n -gr-coherent rings, we investigate the relationships between Gorenstein n -FP-gr-injective and Gorenstein n -gr-flat modules. Among other results, we prove that any graded module in R -gr (or gr- R ) admits a Gorenstein n -FP-gr-injective (or Gorenstein n -gr-flat) cover and preenvelope, respectively....

Non-singular covers over monoid rings

Ladislav Bican (2008)

Mathematica Bohemica

We shall introduce the class of strongly cancellative multiplicative monoids which contains the class of all totally ordered cancellative monoids and it is contained in the class of all cancellative monoids. If G is a strongly cancellative monoid such that h G G h for each h G and if R is a ring such that a R R a for each a R , then the class of all non-singular left R -modules is a cover class if and only if the class of all non-singular left R G -modules is a cover class. These two conditions are also equivalent whenever...

Non-singular covers over ordered monoid rings

Ladislav Bican (2006)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let G be a multiplicative monoid. If R G is a non-singular ring such that the class of all non-singular R G -modules is a cover class, then the class of all non-singular R -modules is a cover class. These two conditions are equivalent whenever G is a well-ordered cancellative monoid such that for all elements g , h G with g < h there is l G such that l g = h . For a totally ordered cancellative monoid the equalities Z ( R G ) = Z ( R ) G and σ ( R G ) = σ ( R ) G hold, σ being Goldie’s torsion theory.

Non-singular precovers over polynomial rings

Ladislav Bican (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

One of the results in my previous paper On torsionfree classes which are not precover classes, preprint, Corollary 3, states that for every hereditary torsion theory τ for the category R -mod with τ σ , σ being Goldie’s torsion theory, the class of all τ -torsionfree modules forms a (pre)cover class if and only if τ is of finite type. The purpose of this note is to show that all members of the countable set 𝔐 = { R , R / σ ( R ) , R [ x 1 , , x n ] , R [ x 1 , , x n ] / σ ( R [ x 1 , , x n ] ) , n < ω } of rings have the property that the class of all non-singular left modules forms a (pre)cover...

Ojective ideals in modular lattices

Shriram K. Nimbhorkar, Rupal C. Shroff (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The concept of an extending ideal in a modular lattice is introduced. A translation of module-theoretical concept of ojectivity (i.e. generalized relative injectivity) in the context of the lattice of ideals of a modular lattice is introduced. In a modular lattice satisfying a certain condition, a characterization is given for direct summands of an extending ideal to be mutually ojective. We define exchangeable decomposition and internal exchange property of an ideal in a modular lattice. It is...

On a generalization of Q I -rings

Josef Jirásko (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper rings for which every s -torsion quasi-injective module is weakly s -divisible for a hereditary preradical s are characterized in terms of the properties of the corresponding lattice of the (hereditary) preradicals. In case of a stable torsion theory these rings coincide with T Q I -rings investigated by J. Ahsan and E. Enochs in [1]. Our aim was to generalize some results concerning Q I -rings obtained by J.S. Golan and S.R. L’opez-Permouth in [12]. A characterization of the Q I -property in the...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 240