Displaying 21 – 40 of 41

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Unified computational approach to nilpotent algebra classification problems

Shirali Kadyrov, Farukh Mashurov (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

In this article, we provide an algorithm with Wolfram Mathematica code that gives a unified computational power in classification of finite dimensional nilpotent algebras using Skjelbred-Sund method. To illustrate the code, we obtain new finite dimensional Moufang algebras.

Uniqueness of decomposition of pseudo-Riemannian superalgebras

Keli Zheng, Liangyun Chen, Yongzheng Zhang (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

This paper is primarily concerned with pseudo-Riemannian superalgebras, which are superalgebras endowed with pseudo-Riemannian non-degenerate supersymmetric consistent bilinear forms. Decompositions of pseudo-Riemannian superalgebras whose left centers are isotropic and whose left centers are not isotropic are investigated.

Universal central extension of direct limits of Hom-Lie algebras

Valiollah Khalili (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove that the universal central extension of a direct limit of perfect Hom-Lie algebras ( i , α i ) is (isomorphic to) the direct limit of universal central extensions of ( i , α i ) . As an application we provide the universal central extensions of some multiplicative Hom-Lie algebras. More precisely, we consider a family of multiplicative Hom-Lie algebras { ( sl k ( å ) , α k ) } k I and describe the universal central extension of its direct limit.

Universal lifting theorem and quasi-Poisson groupoids

David Inglesias-Ponte, Camille Laurent-Gengoux, Ping Xu (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the universal lifting theorem: for an α -simply connected and α -connected Lie groupoid Γ with Lie algebroid A , the graded Lie algebra of multi-differentials on A is isomorphic to that of multiplicative multi-vector fields on Γ . As a consequence, we obtain the integration theorem for a quasi-Lie bialgebroid, which generalizes various integration theorems in the literature in special cases. The second goal of the paper is the study of basic properties of quasi-Poisson groupoids. In particular,...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 41