Displaying 541 – 560 of 2670

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Dual pairs and Kostant-Sekiguchi correspondence. II. Classification of nilpotent elements

Andrzej Daszkiewicz, Witold Kraśkiewicz, Tomasz Przebinda (2005)

Open Mathematics

We classify the homogeneous nilpotent orbits in certain Lie color algebras and specialize the results to the setting of a real reductive dual pair. For any member of a dual pair, we prove the bijectivity of the two Kostant-Sekiguchi maps by straightforward argument. For a dual pair we determine the correspondence of the real orbits, the correspondence of the complex orbits and explain how these two relations behave under the Kostant-Sekiguchi maps. In particular we prove that for a dual pair in...

Dual vector fields ii: calculating the Jacobian

Philip Feinsilver, René Schott (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Given a Lie algebra with a chosen basis, the change of coordinates relating coordinates of the first and second kinds near the identity of the corresponding local group yields some remarkable vector fields and dual vector fields. One family of vector fields is dual to a representation of the Lie algebra acting on a Fock-type space. To this representation an abelian family of dual vector fields is associated. The exponential of these commuting operators acting on an appropriate vacuum yields the...

Effacement et déformation

Gérard Rauch (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit k un corps de caractéristique zéro. La variété des algèbres de Lie sur k n’est pas réduite en général. Si L est une algèbre de Lie dimension finie sur k l’application quadratique S q : H 2 ( L , L ) H 3 ( L , L ) se factorise à travers le sous-espace des trois-classes de cohomologie effaçables.

Embedding of dendriform algebras into Rota-Baxter algebras

Vsevolod Gubarev, Pavel Kolesnikov (2013)

Open Mathematics

Following a recent work [Bai C., Bellier O., Guo L., Ni X., Splitting of operations, Manin products, and Rota-Baxter operators, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (in press), DOI: 10.1093/imrn/rnr266] we define what is a dendriform dior trialgebra corresponding to an arbitrary variety Var of binary algebras (associative, commutative, Poisson, etc.). We call such algebras di- or tri-Var-dendriform algebras, respectively. We prove in general that the operad governing the variety of di- or tri-Var-dendriform...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 2670