Displaying 81 – 100 of 126

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Free algebras in varieties

Jan Pavlík (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

We define varieties of algebras for an arbitrary endofunctor on a cocomplete category using pairs of natural transformations. This approach is proved to be equivalent to one of equational classes defined by equation arrows. Free algebras in the varieties are investigated and their existence is proved under the assumptions of accessibility.

From left modules to algebras over an operad: application to combinatorial Hopf algebras

Muriel Livernet (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

The purpose of this paper is two fold: we study the behaviour of the forgetful functor from 𝕊 -modules to graded vector spaces in the context of algebras over an operad and derive the construction of combinatorial Hopf algebras. As a byproduct we obtain freeness and cofreeness results for those Hopf algebras.Let 𝒪 denote the forgetful functor from 𝕊 -modules to graded vector spaces. Left modules over an operad 𝒫 are treated as 𝒫 -algebras in the category of 𝕊 -modules. We generalize the results obtained...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 126