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Radical decompositions of semiheaps

Ian Hawthorn, Tim Stokes (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Semiheaps are ternary generalisations of involuted semigroups. The first kind of semiheaps studied were heaps, which correspond closely to groups. We apply the radical theory of varieties of idempotent algebras to varieties of idempotent semiheaps. The class of heaps is shown to be a radical class, as are two larger classes having no involuted semigroup counterparts. Radical decompositions of various classes of idempotent semiheaps are given. The results are applied to involuted I-semigroups, leading...

Radical d'une algèbre symétrique à gauche

Jacques Helmstetter (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

L’étude d’une algèbre symétrique à gauche (de dimension finie sur C ) est liée à celle d’un groupe de transformations affines opérant avec trajectoire ouverte et groupe d’isotropie discret sur cette trajectoire. Son radical est défini grâce aux translations conservant cette trajectoire; l’algèbre est nilpotente si ce groupe opère de façon simplement transitive (les multiplications à droite sont alors nilpotentes). Le radical est le plus grand idéal à gauche nilpotent.

Radicals of Green’s relations

Stojan Bogdanović, Miroslav Ćirić (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Some structural descriptions of semigroups in which the radicals of Green’s relations are semilattice congruences will be given.

Radicals of symmetric cellular algebras

Yanbo Li (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a symmetric cellular algebra, we study properties of the dual basis of a cellular basis first. Then a nilpotent ideal is constructed. The ideal connects the radicals of cell modules with the radical of the algebra. It also yields some information on the dimensions of simple modules. As a by-product, we obtain some equivalent conditions for a finite-dimensional symmetric cellular algebra to be semisimple.

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