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Random walks on co-compact fuchsian groups

Sébastien Gouëzel, Steven P. Lalley (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

It is proved that the Green’s function of a symmetric finite range random walk on a co-compact Fuchsian group decays exponentially in distance at the radius of convergence R . It is also shown that Ancona’s inequalities extend to  R , and therefore that the Martin boundary for  R -potentials coincides with the natural geometric boundary S 1 , and that the Martin kernel is uniformly Hölder continuous. Finally, this implies a local limit theorem for the transition probabilities: in the aperiodic case, p n ( x , y ) C x , y R - n n - 3 / 2 .

Random walks on finite rank solvable groups

Ch. Pittet, Laurent Saloff-Coste (2003)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We establish the lower bound p 2 t ( e , e ) exp ( t 1 / 3 ) , for the large times asymptotic behaviours of the probabilities p 2 t ( e , e ) of return to the origin at even times 2 t , for random walks associated with finite symmetric generating sets of solvable groups of finite Prüfer rank. (A group has finite Prüfer rank if there is an integer r , such that any of its finitely generated subgroup admits a generating set of cardinality less or equal to r .)

Range of density measures

Martin Sleziak, Miloš Ziman (2009)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

We investigate some properties of density measures – finitely additive measures on the set of natural numbers extending asymptotic density. We introduce a class of density measures, which is defined using cluster points of the sequence A ( n ) n as well as cluster points of some other similar sequences. We obtain range of possible values of density measures for any subset of . Our description of this range simplifies the description of Bhashkara Rao and Bhashkara Rao [Bhaskara Rao, K. P. S., Bhaskara Rao,...

Rank gradient, cost of groups and the rank versus Heegaard genus problem

Miklós Abért, Nikolay Nikolov (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the growth of the rank of subgroups of finite index in residually finite groups, by relating it to the notion of cost. As a by-product, we show that the ‘rank vs. Heegaard genus’ conjecture on hyperbolic 3-manifolds is incompatible with the ‘fixed price problem’ in topological dynamics.

Rational fixed points for linear group actions

Pietro Corvaja (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove a version of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem for linear algebraic groups. Given a connected linear algebraic group G , an affine variety V and a finite map π : V G , all defined over a finitely generated field κ of characteristic zero, Theorem 1.6 provides the natural necessary and sufficient condition under which the set π ( V ( κ ) ) contains a Zariski dense sub-semigroup Γ G ( κ ) ; namely, there must exist an unramified covering p : G ˜ G and a map θ : G ˜ V such that π θ = p . In the case κ = , G = 𝔾 a is the additive group, we reobtain the...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 340