Displaying 41 – 60 of 146

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Bernstein sets with algebraic properties

Marcin Kysiak (2009)

Open Mathematics

We construct Bernstein sets in ℝ having some additional algebraic properties. In particular, solving a problem of Kraszewski, Rałowski, Szczepaniak and Żeberski, we construct a Bernstein set which is a < c-covering and improve some other results of Rałowski, Szczepaniak and Żeberski on nonmeasurable sets.

Bethe Ansatz and the geography of rigged strings

Tadeusz Lulek (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We demonstrate the way in which composition of two famous combinatorial bijections, of Robinson-Schensted and Kerov-Kirillov-Reshetikhin, applied to the Heisenberg model of magnetic ring with spin 1/2, defines the geography of rigged strings (which label exact eigenfunctions of the Bethe Ansatz) on the classical configuration space (the set of all positions of the system of r reversed spins). We point out that each l-string originates, in the language of this bijection, from an island of l consecutive...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 146