Bicharacters of semigroups.
For any number field with non-elementary -class group , , the punctured capitulation type of in its unramified cyclic cubic extensions , , is an orbit under the action of . By means of Artin’s reciprocity law, the arithmetical invariant is translated to the punctured transfer kernel type of the automorphism group of the second Hilbert -class field of . A classification of finite -groups with low order and bicyclic commutator quotient , , according to the algebraic invariant...
Sea Xp una superficie de Klein compacta con borde de gen algebraico p ≥ 2. Se sabe que si G es un grupo de automorfismos de Xp entonces |G| ≤ 12(p- 1). Se dice que G es un grupo grande de gen p si |G| > 4(p -1). En el presente artículo se halla una familia de enteros p para los que el único grupo grande de gen p son los grupos diédricos. Esto significa que, en términos del gen real introducido por C. L. May, para tales valores de p no existen grupos grandes de gen real p.
In this paper we characterize both the Clifford and left Clifford ordered semigroups by their bi-ideals and quasi-ideals. Also we characterize principal bi-ideal generated by an ordered idempotent in a completely regular ordered semigroup.
The set of invariant symmetric bilinear forms on irreducible modules over fields of characteristic zero for certain groups is studied. Results are obtained under the presence in a finite group of elements of order four whose square is central. In particular, we find that the relevant modules for the groups mentioned in the title always accept an invariant symmetric bilinear form under which the module admits an orthonormal basis.
In this paper we consider different relations on the set P(V) of all proper hypersubstitutions with respect to a given variety V and their properties. Using these relations we introduce the cardinalities of the corresponding quotient sets as degrees and determine the properties of solid varieties having given degrees. Finally, for all varieties of bands we determine their degrees.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 81R50, 16W50, 16S36, 16S37.Let k be a field and X be a set of n elements. We introduce and study a class of quadratic k-algebras called quantum binomial algebras. Our main result shows that such an algebra A defines a solution of the classical Yang-Baxter equation (YBE), if and only if its Koszul dual A! is Frobenius of dimension n, with a regular socle and for each x, y ∈ X an equality of the type xyy = αzzt, where α ∈ k {0, and z, t ∈ X is satisfied...