Displaying 141 – 160 of 329

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Equalizers and coactions of groups

Martin Arkowitz, Mauricio Gutierrez (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If f:G → H is a group homomorphism and p,q are the projections from the free product G*H onto its factors G and H respectively, let the group f G * H be the equalizer of fp and q:G*H → H. Then p restricts to an epimorphism p f = p | f : f G . A right inverse (section) G f of p f is called a coaction on G. In this paper we study f and the sections of p f . We consider the following topics: the structure of f as a free product, the restrictions on G resulting from the existence of a coaction, maps of coactions and the resulting...

Equational description of pseudovarieties of homomorphisms

Michal Kunc (2003)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The notion of pseudovarieties of homomorphisms onto finite monoids was recently introduced by Straubing as an algebraic characterization for certain classes of regular languages. In this paper we provide a mechanism of equational description of these pseudovarieties based on an appropriate generalization of the notion of implicit operations. We show that the resulting metric monoids of implicit operations coincide with the standard ones, the only difference being the actual interpretation of pseudoidentities....

Equational description of pseudovarieties of homomorphisms

Michal Kunc (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The notion of pseudovarieties of homomorphisms onto finite monoids was recently introduced by Straubing as an algebraic characterization for certain classes of regular languages. In this paper we provide a mechanism of equational description of these pseudovarieties based on an appropriate generalization of the notion of implicit operations. We show that the resulting metric monoids of implicit operations coincide with the standard ones, the only difference being the actual interpretation of pseudoidentities. As...

Équations dans les monoïdes libres

A. Lentin (1970)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Après une introduction de caractère historique, l'auteur expose succinctement les principaux résultats qu'il a obtenus (thèse, Paris 1969) dans le domaine jusqu'alors pratiquement inexploré des équations dans les monoïdes libres.

Equations in simple matrix groups: algebra, geometry, arithmetic, dynamics

Tatiana Bandman, Shelly Garion, Boris Kunyavskiĭ (2014)

Open Mathematics

We present a survey of results on word equations in simple groups, as well as their analogues and generalizations, which were obtained over the past decade using various methods: group-theoretic and coming from algebraic and arithmetic geometry, number theory, dynamical systems and computer algebra. Our focus is on interrelations of these machineries which led to numerous spectacular achievements, including solutions of several long-standing problems.

Equations of some wonderful compactifications

Pascal Hivert (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

De Concini and Procesi have defined the wonderful compactification X ¯ of a symmetric space X = G / G σ where G is a complex semisimple adjoint group and G σ the subgroup of fixed points of G by an involution σ . It is a closed subvariety of a Grassmannian of the Lie algebra 𝔤 of G . In this paper we prove that, when the rank of X is equal to the rank of G , the variety is defined by linear equations. The set of equations expresses the fact that the invariant alternate trilinear form w on 𝔤 vanishes on the ( - 1 ) -eigenspace...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 329