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Connected transversals -- the Zassenhaus case

Tomáš Kepka, Petr Němec (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this short note, it is shown that if A , B are H -connected transversals for a finite subgroup H of an infinite group G such that the index of H in G is at least 3 and H H u H v = 1 whenever u , v G H and u v - 1 G H then A = B is a normal abelian subgroup of G .

Counting arithmetic subgroups and subgroup growth of virtually free groups

Amichai Eisenmann (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let K be a p -adic field, and let H = P S L 2 ( K ) endowed with the Haar measure determined by giving a maximal compact subgroup measure 1 . Let A L H ( x ) denote the number of conjugacy classes of arithmetic lattices in H with co-volume bounded by x . We show that under the assumption that K does not contain the element ζ + ζ - 1 , where ζ denotes the p -th root of unity over p , we have lim x log A L H ( x ) x log x = q - 1 where q denotes the order of the residue field of K .

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