Displaying 61 – 80 of 139

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Sur les treillis de Coxeter finis

C. Le Conte de Poly-Barbut (1994)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Björner (1984) a montré que l’ordre faible de Bruhat défini sur un groupe de Coxeter fini (Bourbaki 1969) est un treillis. Dans le cas du groupe symétrique S n ce résultat (treillis permutoèdre) a été prouvé par Guilbaud-Rosenstiehl (1963). Dans ce papier nous montrons que des propriétés connues des treillis permutoèdres peuvent s’étendre à tous les treillis de Coxeter finis et qu’inversement des propriétés démontrées sur tous les Coxeter finis ont des retombées intéressantes sur les permutoèdres....

The 𝒜 r -free products of archimedean l -groups

Dao Rong Tong (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The objective of this paper is to give two descriptions of the 𝒜 r -free products of archimedean -groups and to establish some properties for the 𝒜 r -free products. Specifically, it is proved that 𝒜 r -free products satisfy the weak subalgebra property.

Topological characterizations of ordered groups with quasi-divisor theory

Jiří Močkoř (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For an order embedding G h Γ of a partly ordered group G into an l -group Γ a topology 𝒯 W ^ is introduced on Γ which is defined by a family of valuations W on G . Some density properties of sets h ( G ) , h ( X t ) and ( h ( X t ) { h ( g 1 ) , , h ( g n ) } ) ( X t being t -ideals in G ) in the topological space ( Γ , 𝒯 W ^ ) are then investigated, each of them being equivalent to the statement that h is a strong theory of quasi-divisors.

Torsion classes of Specker lattice ordered groups

Ján Jakubík (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we investigate the relations between torsion classes of Specker lattice ordered groups and torsion classes of generalized Boolean algebras.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 139