Displaying 241 – 260 of 402

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Partial flag varieties and preprojective algebras

Christof Geiß, Bernard Leclerc, Jan Schröer (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let Λ be a preprojective algebra of type A , D , E , and let G be the corresponding semisimple simply connected complex algebraic group. We study rigid modules in subcategories Sub Q for Q an injective Λ -module, and we introduce a mutation operation between complete rigid modules in Sub Q . This yields cluster algebra structures on the coordinate rings of the partial flag varieties attached to  G .

Platitude du module universel pour GL 3 en caractéristique non banale

Joël Bellaïche, Ania Otwinowska (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Soient F un corps p -adique, G = GL 3 ( F ) . Pour χ un caractère de l’algèbre de Hecke sphérique de G sur un anneau commutatif k , on introduit à la suite de Serre une représentation lisse M χ de G sur k qui gouverne la théorie des représentations non ramifiées de G sur k . Nous prouvons que M χ est plat sur k et que si p est inversible dans  k , alors pour tout sous-groupe compact ouvert suffisament petit  U de G , le module  M χ U est libre de rang fini sur k . Ceci était conjecturé par Lazarus. Comme corollaire, nous obtenons...

Quiver varieties and the character ring of general linear groups over finite fields

Emmanuel Letellier (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Given a tuple ( 𝒳 1 , ... , 𝒳 k ) of irreducible characters of G L n ( F q ) we define a star-shaped quiver Γ together with a dimension vector v . Assume that ( 𝒳 1 , ... , 𝒳 k ) is generic. Our first result is a formula which expresses the multiplicity of the trivial character in the tensor product 𝒳 1 𝒳 k as the trace of the action of some Weyl group on the intersection cohomology of some (non-affine) quiver varieties associated to ( Γ , v ) . The existence of such a quiver variety is subject to some condition. Assuming that this condition is satisfied, we...

Quiver varieties and Weyl group actions

George Lusztig (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The cohomology of Nakajima’s varieties is known to carry a natural Weyl group action. Here this fact is established using the method of intersection cohomology, in analogy with the definition of Springer’s representations.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 402