Displaying 221 – 240 of 326

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Subgroups of -factorizable groups

Constancio Hernández, Mihail G. Tkachenko (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The properties of -factorizable groups and their subgroups are studied. We show that a locally compact group G is -factorizable if and only if G is σ -compact. It is proved that a subgroup H of an -factorizable group G is -factorizable if and only if H is z -embedded in G . Therefore, a subgroup of an -factorizable group need not be -factorizable, and we present a method for constructing non- -factorizable dense subgroups of a special class of -factorizable groups. Finally, we construct a closed...

Sub-Laplacian with drift in nilpotent Lie groups

Camillo Melzi (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We consider the heat kernel ϕ t corresponding to the left invariant sub-Laplacian with drift term in the first commutator of the Lie algebra, on a nilpotent Lie group. We improve the results obtained by G. Alexopoulos in [1], [2] proving the “exact Gaussian factor” exp(-|g|²/4(1+ε)t) in the large time upper Gaussian estimate for ϕ t . We also obtain a large time lower Gaussian estimate for ϕ t .

Sub-Laplacians of holomorphic L p -type on exponential Lie groups

Detlef Müller (2002)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this survey article, I shall give an overview on some recent developments concerning the L p -functional calculus for sub-Laplacians on exponential solvable Lie groups. In particular, I shall give an outline on some recent joint work with W. Hebisch and J. Ludwig on sub-Laplacians which are of holomorphic L p -type, in the sense that every L p -spectral multiplier for p 2 will be holomorphic in some domain.

Summable families in nuclear groups

Wojciech Banaszczyk (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Nuclear groups form a class of abelian topological groups which contains LCA groups and nuclear locally convex spaces, and is closed with respect to certain natural operations. In nuclear locally convex spaces, weakly summable families are strongly summable, and strongly summable are absolutely summable. It is shown that these theorems can be generalized in a natural way to nuclear groups.

Summable Family in a Commutative Group

Roland Coghetto (2015)

Formalized Mathematics

Hölzl et al. showed that it was possible to build “a generic theory of limits based on filters” in Isabelle/HOL [22], [7]. In this paper we present our formalization of this theory in Mizar [6]. First, we compare the notions of the limit of a family indexed by a directed set, or a sequence, in a metric space [30], a real normed linear space [29] and a linear topological space [14] with the concept of the limit of an image filter [16]. Then, following Bourbaki [9], [10] (TG.III, §5.1 Familles sommables...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 326