Stein Quotients of Connected Complex Lie Groups.
Let be a Hermitian symmetric space of the noncompact type and let be a discrete series representation of holomorphically induced from a unitary character of . Following an idea of Figueroa, Gracia-Bondìa and Vàrilly, we construct a Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for the triple by a suitable modification of the Berezin calculus on . We extend the corresponding Berezin transform to a class of functions on which contains the Berezin symbol of for in the Lie algebra of . This allows...
We construct and study a Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for the holomorphic representations of the Jacobi group.
We prove Strichartz inequalities for the solution of the Schrödinger equation related to the full Laplacian on the Heisenberg group. A key point consists in estimating the decay in time of the norm of the free solution; this requires a careful analysis due also to the non-homogeneous nature of the full Laplacian.
Let J be an abelian topological semigroup and C a subset of a Banach space X. Let L(X) be the space of bounded linear operators on X and Lip(C) the space of Lipschitz functions ⨍: C → C. We exhibit a large class of semigroups J for which every weakly continuous semigroup homomorphism T: J → L(X) is necessarily strongly continuous. Similar results are obtained for weakly continuous homomorphisms T: J → Lip(C) and for strongly measurable homomorphisms T: J → L(X).
A reflexive topological group is called strongly reflexive if each closed subgroup and each Hausdorff quotient of the group and of its dual group is reflexive. In this paper we establish an adequate concept of strong reflexivity for convergence groups. We prove that complete metrizable nuclear groups and products of countably many locally compact topological groups are BB-strongly reflexive.
The existence of a strong spectral gap for quotients of noncompact connected semisimple Lie groups is crucial in many applications. For congruence lattices there are uniform and very good bounds for the spectral gap coming from the known bounds towards the Ramanujan–Selberg conjectures. If has no compact factors then for general lattices a spectral gap can still be established, but there is no uniformity and no effective bounds are known. This note is concerned with the spectral gap for an irreducible...
En utilisant la structure infinitésimale des représentations unitaires irréductibles de , nous donnons une description complète de certaines - algèbres associées aux réseaux de , répondant ainsi à certaines questions de Bekka–de La Harpe–Valette.
We describe an approach to determining, up to pseudoisomorphism, the structure of a central-torsion module over the Iwasawa algebra of a pro-, -adic, Lie group containing no element of order . The techniques employed follow classical methods used in the commutative case, but using Ore’s method of localisation. We then consider the properties of certain invariants which may prove useful in determining the structure of a module. Finally, we describe the case of pro- subgroups of in detail and...
We show that every subgroup of an -factorizable abelian -group is topologically isomorphic to a closed subgroup of another -factorizable abelian -group. This implies that closed subgroups of -factorizable -groups are not necessarily -factorizable. We also prove that if a Hausdorff space of countable pseudocharacter is a continuous image of a product of -spaces and the space is pseudo--compact, then . In particular, direct products of -factorizable -groups are -factorizable and...