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On entropy of patterns given by interval maps

Jozef Bobok (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Defining the complexity of a green pattern exhibited by an interval map, we give the best bounds of the topological entropy of a pattern with a given complexity. Moreover, we show that the topological entropy attains its strict minimum on the set of patterns with fixed eccentricity m/n at a unimodal X-minimal case. Using a different method, the last result was independently proved in[11].

On homeomorphic and diffeomorphic solutions of the Abel equation on the plane

Zbigniew Leśniak (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the Abel equation φ[f(x)] = φ(x) + a on the plane ℝ², where f is a free mapping (i.e. f is an orientation preserving homeomorphism of the plane onto itself with no fixed points). We find all its homeomorphic and diffeomorphic solutions φ having positive Jacobian. Moreover, we give some conditions which are equivalent to f being conjugate to a translation.

On infinite composition of affine mappings

László Máté (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

 Let F i = 1 , . . . , N be affine mappings of n . It is well known that if there exists j ≤ 1 such that for every σ 1 , . . . , σ j 1 , . . . , N the composition (1) F σ 1 . . . F σ j is a contraction, then for any infinite sequence σ 1 , σ 2 , . . . 1 , . . . , N and any z n , the sequence (2) F σ 1 . . . F σ n ( z ) is convergent and the limit is independent of z. We prove the following converse result: If (2) is convergent for any z n and any σ = σ 1 , σ 2 , . . . belonging to some subshift Σ of N symbols (and the limit is independent of z), then there exists j ≥ 1 such that for every σ = σ 1 , σ 2 , . . . Σ the composition (1) is a contraction. This result...

On Pawlak's problem concerning entropy of almost continuous functions

Tomasz Natkaniec, Piotr Szuca (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that if f: → is Darboux and has a point of prime period different from 2 i , i = 0,1,..., then the entropy of f is positive. On the other hand, for every set A ⊂ ℕ with 1 ∈ A there is an almost continuous (in the sense of Stallings) function f: → with positive entropy for which the set Per(f) of prime periods of all periodic points is equal to A.

On principal iteration semigroups in the case of multiplier zero

Dorota Krassowska, Marek Zdun (2013)

Open Mathematics

We collect and generalize various known definitions of principal iteration semigroups in the case of multiplier zero and establish connections among them. The common characteristic property of each definition is conjugating of an iteration semigroup to different normal forms. The conjugating functions are expressed by suitable formulas and satisfy either Böttcher’s or Schröder’s functional equation.

On some iterated means arising in homogenization theory

Dag Lukkassen, Jaak Peetre, Lars-Erik Persson (2004)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider iteration of arithmetic and power means and discuss methods for determining their limit. These means appear naturally in connection with some problems in homogenization theory.

On some iteration semigroups

Janusz Brzdęk (1995)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let F be a disjoint iteration semigroup of C n diffeomorphisms mapping a real open interval I onto I . It is proved that if F has a dense orbit possesing a subset of the second category with the Baire property, then F = { f t f t ( x ) = f - 1 ( f ( x ) + t ) for every x I , t R } for some C n diffeomorphism f of I onto the set of all reals R . The paper generalizes some results of J.A.Baker and G.Blanton [3].

On some shift invariant integral operators, univariate case

George A. Anastassiou, Heinz H. Gonska (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In recent papers the authors studied global smoothness preservation by certain univariate and multivariate linear operators over compact domains. Here the domain is ℝ. A very general positive linear integral type operator is introduced through a convolution-like iteration of another general positive linear operator with a scaling type function. For it sufficient conditions are given for shift invariance, preservation of global smoothness, convergence to the unit with rates, shape preserving and...

On the entropy of Darboux functions

Ryszard J. Pawlak (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove some results concerning the entropy of Darboux (and almost continuous) functions. We first generalize some theorems valid for continuous functions, and then we study properties which are specific to Darboux functions. Finally, we give theorems on approximating almost continuous functions by functions with infinite entropy.

On the fixed points in an ω -limit set

Jack G. Ceder (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let M and K be closed subsets of [0,1] with K a subset of the limit points of M . Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the existence of a continuous function f : [ 0 , 1 ] [ 0 , 1 ] such that M is an ω -limit set for f and K is the set of fixed points of f in M .

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 164