Displaying 121 – 140 of 148

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Program for generating fuzzy logical operations and its use in mathematical proofs

Tomáš Bartušek, Mirko Navara (2002)


Fuzzy logic is one of the tools for management of uncertainty; it works with more than two values, usually with a continuous scale, the real interval [ 0 , 1 ] . Implementation restrictions in applications force us to use in fact a finite scale (finite chain) of truth degrees. In this paper, we study logical operations on finite chains, in particular conjunctions. We describe a computer program generating all finitely-valued fuzzy conjunctions ( t -norms). It allows also to select these t -norms according to...

Projective limits of vector measures.

Fidel José Fernández y Fernández-Arroyo, Pedro Jiménez Guerra (1990)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the projective limit of measures with values in a locally convex space is given. A similar theorem for measures with values in different locally convex spaces (under certain conditions) is given too (in this case, the projective limit is valued in the projective limit of these spaces). Finally, a result about the projective limit of vector measures is stated.

Properties of generalized set-valued stochastic integrals

Michał Kisielewicz (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

The paper is devoted to properties of generalized set-valued stochastic integrals defined in [10]. These integrals generalize set-valued stochastic integrals defined by E.J. Jung and J.H. Kim in the paper [4]. Up to now we were not able to construct any example of set-valued stochastic processes, different on a singleton, having integrably bounded set-valued integrals defined in [4]. It was shown by M. Michta (see [11]) that in the general case set-valued stochastic integrals defined by E.J. Jung...

Properties of the class of measure separable compact spaces

Mirna Džamonja, Kenneth Kunen (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate properties of the class of compact spaces on which every regular Borel measure is separable. This class will be referred to as MS. We discuss some closure properties of MS, and show that some simply defined compact spaces, such as compact ordered spaces or compact scattered spaces, are in MS. Most of the basic theory for regular measures is true just in ZFC. On the other hand, the existence of a compact ordered scattered space which carries a non-separable (non-regular) Borel measure...

Properties of time-dependent statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

Ciprian Foias, Ricardo M. S. Rosa, Roger Temam (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This work is devoted to the concept of statistical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, proposed as a rigorous mathematical object to address the fundamental concept of ensemble average used in the study of the conventional theory of fully developed turbulence. Two types of statistical solutions have been proposed in the 1970’s, one by Foias and Prodi and the other one by Vishik and Fursikov. In this article, a new, intermediate type of statistical solution is introduced and studied. This solution...

Properties of Wiener-Wintner dynamical systems

I. Assani, K. Nicolaou (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

In this paper we prove the following results. First, we show the existence of Wiener-Wintner dynamical system with continuous singular spectrum in the orthocomplement of their respective Kronecker factors. The second result states that if f L p , p large enough, is a Wiener-Wintner function then, for all γ ( 1 + 1 2 p - β 2 , 1 ] , there exists a set X f of full measure for which the series n = 1 f ( T n x ) e 2 π i n ϵ n γ converges uniformly with respect to ϵ .

Property ( 𝐰𝐋 ) and the reciprocal Dunford-Pettis property in projective tensor products

Ioana Ghenciu (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A Banach space X has the reciprocal Dunford-Pettis property ( R D P P ) if every completely continuous operator T from X to any Banach space Y is weakly compact. A Banach space X has the R D P P (resp. property ( w L ) ) if every L -subset of X * is relatively weakly compact (resp. weakly precompact). We prove that the projective tensor product X π Y has property ( w L ) when X has the R D P P , Y has property ( w L ) , and L ( X , Y * ) = K ( X , Y * ) .

Propriétés arithmétiques et dynamiques du fractal de Rauzy

Ali Messaoudi (1998)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Dans ce travail, nous construisons explicitement deux isomorphismes métriques partout continus. L’un entre le système dynamique symbolique associé à la substitution σ : 0 01 , 1 02 , 2 0 et une rotation sur le tore 𝕋 2 ; l’autre, entre le système adique stationnaire [33] associé à la matrice de la substitution et la même rotation. Pour cela, nous étudions les propriétés arithmétiques de la frontière d’un ensemble compact de appelé “fractal de Rauzy”. Les constructions se généralisent aux substitutions de la forme σ k : 0 01 , 1 02 , k - 1 0 k , k 0 ...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 148