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Représentation intégrale de certaines mesures quasi-invariantes sur 𝒞 ( 𝐑 ) ; mesures extrémales et propriété de Markov

Gilles Royer, Marc Yor (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On établit pour le cône C des mesures μ positives bornées sur 𝒞 ( R ) , quasi-invariantes sous les translations de 𝒟 ( R ) et vérifiant : μ ( f + d w ) = μ ( d w ) exp R d t [ ( w ( t ) + 1 2 f ( t ) ) f ' ' ( t ) - P ( w ( t ) + f ( t ) + P ( w ( t ) ) ] (avec P polynôme borné inférieurement) les résultats suivants :– Toute mesure de C est intégrale de mesures appartenant aux génératrices extrémales de  C .– Les génératrices extrémales de C sont composées de mesures markoviennes.

Representations of bimeasures

Kari Ylinen (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Separately σ-additive and separately finitely additive complex functions on the Cartesian product of two algebras of sets are represented in terms of spectral measures and their finitely additive counterparts. Applications of the techniques include a bounded joint convergence theorem for bimeasure integration, characterizations of positive-definite bimeasures, and a theorem on decomposing a bimeasure into a linear combination of positive-definite ones.

Research Article. Multiscale Analysis of 1-rectifiable Measures II: Characterizations

Matthew Badger, Raanan Schul (2017)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

A measure is 1-rectifiable if there is a countable union of finite length curves whose complement has zero measure. We characterize 1-rectifiable Radon measures μ in n-dimensional Euclidean space for all n ≥ 2 in terms of positivity of the lower density and finiteness of a geometric square function, which loosely speaking, records in an L2 gauge the extent to which μ admits approximate tangent lines, or has rapidly growing density ratios, along its support. In contrast with the classical theorems...

Restricted weak type inequalities for the one-sided Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator in higher dimensions

Fabio Berra (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give a quantitative characterization of the pairs of weights ( w , v ) for which the dyadic version of the one-sided Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator satisfies a restricted weak ( p , p ) type inequality for 1 p < . More precisely, given any measurable set E 0 , the estimate w ( { x n : M + , d ( 𝒳 E 0 ) ( x ) > t } ) C [ ( w , v ) ] A p + , d ( ) p t p v ( E 0 ) holds if and only if the pair ( w , v ) belongs to A p + , d ( ) , that is, | E | | Q | [ ( w , v ) ] A p + , d ( ) v ( E ) w ( Q ) 1 / p for every dyadic cube Q and every measurable set E Q + . The proof follows some ideas appearing in S. Ombrosi (2005). We also obtain a similar quantitative characterization for the non-dyadic...

Restrictions of smooth functions to a closed subset

Shuzo Izumi (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We first provide an approach to the conjecture of Bierstone-Milman-Pawłucki on Whitney’s problem on C d extendability of functions. For example, the conjecture is affirmative for classical fractal sets. Next, we give a sharpened form of Spallek’s theorem on flatness.

Retarded functional differential equations in Banach spaces and Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integrals

A. Sikorska-Nowak (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

We prove an existence theorem for the equation x' = f(t,xₜ), x(Θ) = φ(Θ), where xₜ(Θ) = x(t+Θ), for -r ≤ Θ < 0, t ∈ Iₐ, Iₐ = [0,a], a ∈ R₊ in a Banach space, using the Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integral and its properties. The requirements on the function f are not too restrictive: scalar measurability and weak sequential continuity with respect to the second variable. Moreover, we suppose that the function f satisfies some conditions expressed in terms of the measure of weak noncompactness.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 154