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Almost sure asymptotic behaviour of the r -neighbourhood surface area of Brownian paths

Ondřej Honzl, Jan Rataj (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that whenever the q -dimensional Minkowski content of a subset A d exists and is finite and positive, then the “S-content” defined analogously as the Minkowski content, but with volume replaced by surface area, exists as well and equals the Minkowski content. As a corollary, we obtain the almost sure asymptotic behaviour of the surface area of the Wiener sausage in d , d 3 .

An area formula in metric spaces

Valentino Magnani (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We present an area formula for continuous mappings between metric spaces, under minimal regularity assumptions. In particular, we do not require any notion of differentiability. This is a consequence of a measure-theoretic notion of Jacobian, defined as the density of a suitable "pull-back measure". Finally, we give some applications and examples.

An isoperimetric inequality on the ℓp balls

Sasha Sodin (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The normalised volume measure on the ℓnp unit ball (1≤p≤2) satisfies the following isoperimetric inequality: the boundary measure of a set of measure a is at least cn1/pãlog1−1/p(1/ã), where ã=min(a, 1−a).

Au bord de certains polyèdres hyperboliques

Marc Bourdon (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Le cadre de cet article est celui des groupes et des espaces hyperboliques de M.  Gromov. Il est motivé par la question suivante : comment différencier deux groupes hyperboliques à quasi-isométrie près ? On illustre ce problème en détaillant un exemple de M. Gromov issu de Asymptotic invariants for infinite groups. On décrit une famille infinie de groupes hyperboliques, deux à deux non quasi-isométriques, de bord la courbe de Menger. La méthode consiste à étudier leur structure quasi-conforme au...

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