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Painlevé null sets, dimension and compact embedding of weighted holomorphic spaces

Alexander V. Abanin, Pham Trong Tien (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We obtain, in terms of associated weights, natural criteria for compact embedding of weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions on a wide class of domains in the complex plane. Our study is based on a complete characterization of finite-dimensional weighted spaces and canonical weights for them. In particular, we show that for a domain whose complement is not a Painlevé null set each nontrivial space of holomorphic functions with O-growth condition is infinite-dimensional.

Painlevé's problem and analytic capacity.

Xavier Tolsa (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper we survey some recent results in connection with the so called Painlevé's problem and the semiadditivity of analytic capacity γ. In particular, we give the detailed proof of the semiadditivity of the capacity γ+, and we show almost completely all the arguments for the proof of the comparability between γ and γ+.

Pairs of Clifford algebras of the Hurwitz type

Wiesław Królikowski (1996)

Banach Center Publications

For a given Hurwitz pair [ S ( Q S ) , V ( Q V ) , o ] the existence of a bilinear mapping : C ( Q S ) × C ( Q V ) C ( Q V ) (where C ( Q S ) and C ( Q V ) denote the Clifford algebras of the quadratic forms Q S and Q V , respectively) generated by the Hurwitz multiplication “o” is proved and the counterpart of the Hurwitz condition on the Clifford algebra level is found. Moreover, a necessary and sufficient condition for "⭑" to be generated by the Hurwitz multiplication is shown.

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