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Letter to the Editor. Remarks on Some Inequalities for Polynomials

Hachani, M. A. (2013)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 30A10, 30C10, 30C80, 30D15, 41A17.In the present article, I point out serious errors in a paper published in Mathematica Balkanica three years ago. These errors seem to go unnoticed because some mathematicians are applying the results stated in this paper to prove other results, which should not continue.

Libera and Hilbert matrix operator on logarithmically weighted Bergman, Bloch and Hardy-Bloch spaces

Boban Karapetrović (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that if α > 1 , then the logarithmically weighted Bergman space A log α 2 is mapped by the Libera operator into the space A log α - 1 2 , while if α > 2 and 0 < ε α - 2 , then the Hilbert matrix operator H maps A log α 2 into A log α - 2 - ε 2 .We show that the Libera operator maps the logarithmically weighted Bloch space log α , α , into itself, while H maps log α into log α + 1 .In Pavlović’s paper (2016) it is shown that maps the logarithmically weighted Hardy-Bloch space log α 1 , α > 0 , into log α - 1 1 . We show that this result is sharp. We also show that H maps log α 1 , α 0 , into log α - 1 1 and...

Lifting di-analytic involutions of compact Klein surfaces to extended-Schottky uniformizations

Rubén A. Hidalgo (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let S be a compact Klein surface together with a di-analytic involution κ: S → S. The lowest uniformizations of S are those whose deck group is an extended-Schottky group, that is, an extended Kleinian group whose orientation preserving half is a Schottky group. If S is a bordered compact Klein surface, then it is well known that κ can be lifted with respect to a suitable extended-Schottky uniformization of S. In this paper, we complete the above lifting property by proving that if S is a closed...

Lifting properties, Nehari theorem and Paley lacunary inequality.

Mischa Cotlar, Cora Sadosky (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

A general notion of lifting properties for families of sesquilinear forms is formulated. These lifting properties, which appear as particular cases in many classical interpolation problems, are studied for the Toeplitz kernels in Z, and applied for refining and extending the Nehari theorem and the Paley lacunary inequality.

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