Displaying 21 – 40 of 85

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Equality cases for condenser capacity inequalities under symmetrization

Dimitrios Betsakos, Stamatis Pouliasis (2012)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

It is well known that certain transformations decrease the capacity of a condenser. We prove equality statements for the condenser capacity inequalities under symmetrization and polarization without connectivity restrictions on the condenser and without regularity assumptions on the boundary of the condenser.

Equidistribution of Small Points, Rational Dynamics, and Potential Theory

Matthew H. Baker, Robert Rumely (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Given a rational function ϕ ( T ) on 1 of degree at least 2 with coefficients in a number field k , we show that for each place v of k , there is a unique probability measure μ ϕ , v on the Berkovich space Berk , v 1 / v such that if { z n } is a sequence of points in 1 ( k ¯ ) whose ϕ -canonical heights tend to zero, then the z n ’s and their Gal ( k ¯ / k ) -conjugates are equidistributed with respect to μ ϕ , v .The proof uses a polynomial lift F ( x , y ) = ( F 1 ( x , y ) , F 2 ( x , y ) ) of ϕ to construct a two-variable Arakelov-Green’s function g ϕ , v ( x , y ) for each v . The measure μ ϕ , v is obtained by taking the...

Espaces harmoniques sans potentiel positif

Victor Anandam (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article on étudie les fonctions surharmoniques dans un espace Ω muni de la théorie axiomatique des fonctions harmoniques avec les axiomes 1, 2, 3 de M. Brelot, en supposant que les constantes sont harmoniques dans Ω et qu’il n’existe pas de potentiel > 0 dans Ω . Ainsi, dans la théorie axiomatique, on se propose de chercher à étendre les particularités du cas plan et quelques résultats sur les surfaces de Riemann du type parabolique. On démontre premièrement, en utilisant une notion de flux...

Essential norms of the Neumann operator of the arithmetical mean

Josef Král, Dagmar Medková (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let K m ( m 2 ) be a compact set; assume that each ball centered on the boundary B of K meets K in a set of positive Lebesgue measure. Let C 0 ( 1 ) be the class of all continuously differentiable real-valued functions with compact support in m and denote by σ m the area of the unit sphere in m . With each ϕ C 0 ( 1 ) we associate the function W K ϕ ( z ) = 1 σ m m K g r a d ϕ ( x ) · z - x | z - x | m x of the variable z K (which is continuous in K and harmonic in K B ). W K ϕ depends only on the restriction ϕ | B of ϕ to the boundary B of K . This gives rise to a linear operator W K acting from...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 85