Displaying 81 – 100 of 157

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Some remarks on the existence of a resolvent

Masanori Kishi (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Noting that a resolvent is associated with a convolution kernel x satisfying the domination principle if and only if x has the dominated convergence property, we give some remarks on the existence of a resolvent.

Some results on thin sets in a half plane

Howard Lawrence Jackson (1970)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

When one is restricted to a Stolz domain in a half plane we prove that internal thinness of a set at the origin structly implies minimal thinness there. Furthermore this result extends to the half plane itself. We also work out some relations among the concepts of minimal thinness, semi-thinness and finite logarithmic length. Finally we show that a theorem of Ahlfors and Heins can be improved.

Some simple proofs in holomorphic spectral theory

Graham R. Allan (2007)

Banach Center Publications

This paper gives some very elementary proofs of results of Aupetit, Ransford and others on the variation of the spectral radius of a holomorphic family of elements in a Banach algebra. There is also some brief discussion of a notorious unsolved problem in automatic continuity theory.

Stability and Continuity of Functions of Least Gradient

H. Hakkarainen, R. Korte, P. Lahti, N. Shanmugalingam (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In this note we prove that on metric measure spaces, functions of least gradient, as well as local minimizers of the area functional (after modification on a set of measure zero) are continuous everywhere outside their jump sets. As a tool, we develop some stability properties of sequences of least gradient functions. We also apply these tools to prove a maximum principle for functions of least gradient that arise as solutions to a Dirichlet problem.

Stability results for Harnack inequalities

Alexander Grigor'yan, Laurent Saloff-Coste (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We develop new techniques for proving uniform elliptic and parabolic Harnack inequalities on weighted Riemannian manifolds. In particular, we prove the stability of the Harnack inequalities under certain non-uniform changes of the weight. We also prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the Harnack inequalities to hold on complete non-compact manifolds having non-negative Ricci curvature outside a compact set and a finite first Betti number or just having asymptotically...

Steady vortex rings with swirl in an ideal fluid: asymptotics for some solutions in exterior domains

Tadie (1999)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, the axisymmetric flow in an ideal fluid outside the infinite cylinder ( r d ) where ( r , θ , z ) denotes the cylindrical co-ordinates in 3 is considered. The motion is with swirl (i.e. the θ -component of the velocity of the flow is non constant). The (non-dimensional) equation governing the phenomenon is (Pd) displayed below. It is known from e.g. that for the problem without swirl ( f q = 0 in (f)) in the whole space, as the flux constant k tends to , 1) dist ( 0 z , A ) = O ( k 1 / 2 ) ; diam A = O ( exp ( - c 0 k 3 / 2 ) ) ; 2) ( k 1 / 2 Ψ ) k converges to a vortex cylinder U m (see...

Strict fine maxima.

Fitzsimmons, P.J. (2000)

Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only]

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 157