Displaying 61 – 80 of 157

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Some characterizations of harmonic Bloch and Besov spaces

Xi Fu, Bowen Lu (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The relationship between weighted Lipschitz functions and analytic Bloch spaces has attracted much attention. In this paper, we define harmonic ω - α -Bloch space and characterize it in terms of ω ( ( 1 - | x | 2 ) β ( 1 - | y | 2 ) α - β ) | f ( x ) - f ( y ) x - y | and ω ( ( 1 - | x | 2 ) β ( 1 - | y | 2 ) α - β ) | f ( x ) - f ( y ) | x | y - x ' | where ω is a majorant. Similar results are extended to harmonic little ω - α -Bloch and Besov spaces. Our results are generalizations of the corresponding ones in G. Ren, U. Kähler (2005).

Some constructions of biharmonic maps on the warped product manifolds

Abdelmadjid Bennouar, Seddik Ouakkas (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we characterize a class of biharmonic maps from and between product manifolds in terms of the warping function. Examples are constructed when one of the factors is either Euclidean space or sphere.

Some Dirichlet spaces obtained by subordinate reflected diffusions.

Niels Jacob, René L. Schilling (1999)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper we want to show how well-known results from the theory of (regular) elliptic boundary value problems, function spaces and interpolation, subordination in the sense of Bochner and Dirichlet forms can be combined and how one can thus get some new aspects in each of these fields.

Some examples concerning applicability of the Fredholm-Radon method in potential theory

Josef Král, Wolfgang L. Wendland (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

Simple examples of bounded domains D 𝐑 3 are considered for which the presence of peculiar corners and edges in the boundary δ D causes that the double layer potential operator acting on the space 𝒮 ( δ D ) of all continuous functions on δ D can for no value of the parameter α be approximated (in the sub-norm) by means of operators of the form α I + T (where I is the identity operator and T is a compact linear operator) with a deviation less then | α | ; on the other hand, such approximability turns out to be possible for...

Some non-linear function theoretic properties of Riemannian manifolds.

Stefano Pigola, Marco Rigoli, Alberto G. Setti (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We study the appropriate versions of parabolicity stochastic completeness and related Liouville properties for a general class of operators which include the p-Laplace operator, and the non linear singular operators in non-diagonal form considered by J. Serrin and collaborators.

Some orthogonal decompositions of Sobolev spaces and applications

H. Begehr, Yu. Dubinskiĭ (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Two kinds of orthogonal decompositions of the Sobolev space W̊₂¹ and hence also of W - 1 for bounded domains are given. They originate from a decomposition of W̊₂¹ into the orthogonal sum of the subspace of the Δ k -solenoidal functions, k ≥ 1, and its explicitly given orthogonal complement. This decomposition is developed in the real as well as in the complex case. For the solenoidal subspace (k = 0) the decomposition appears in a little different form. In the second kind decomposition the Δ k -solenoidal...

Some properties of α-harmonic measure

Dimitrios Betsakos (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The α-harmonic measure is the hitting distribution of symmetric α-stable processes upon exiting an open set in ℝⁿ (0 < α < 2, n ≥ 2). It can also be defined in the context of Riesz potential theory and the fractional Laplacian. We prove some geometric estimates for α-harmonic measure.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 157