Displaying 181 – 200 of 219

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Division et composition dans l'anneau des séries de Dirichlet analytiques

Frédéric Bayart, Augustin Mouze (2003)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

Ce travail est une étude analytique locale de l’anneau des séries de Dirichlet convergentes. Dans un premier temps, on établit des propriétés arithmétiques de cet anneau ; on prouve en particulier sa factorialité, que l’on déduit de théorèmes de division du type Weierstrass. Ensuite, on s’intéresse à des problèmes de composition. Soient f ( s ) et ϕ ( s ) des séries de Dirichlet convergentes. On sait que f ( c 0 s + ϕ ( s ) ) , avec c 0 * , est encore une série de Dirichlet convergente. On étudie la réciproque : sous les hypothèses que...

Division et extension dans des classes de Carleman de fonctions holomorphes

Vincent Thilliez (1998)

Banach Center Publications

Let Ω be a bounded pseudoconvex domain in n with C 1 boundary and let X be a complete intersection submanifold of Ω, defined by holomorphic functions v 1 , . . . , v p (1 ≤ p ≤ n-1) smooth up to ∂Ω. We give sufficient conditions ensuring that a function f holomorphic in X (resp. in Ω, vanishing on X), and smooth up to the boundary, extends to a function g holomorphic in Ω and belonging to a given strongly non-quasianalytic Carleman class l ! M l in Ω ¯ (resp. satisfies f = v 1 f 1 + . . . + v p f p with f 1 , . . . , f p holomorphic in Ω and l ! M l -regular in Ω ¯ ). The essential...

Divisors in global analytic sets

Francesca Acquistapace, A. Díaz-Cano (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that any divisor Y of a global analytic set X n has a generic equation, that is, there is an analytic function vanishing on Y with multiplicity one along each irreducible component of Y . We also prove that there are functions with arbitrary multiplicities along Y . The main result states that if X is pure dimensional, Y is locally principal, X / Y is not connected and Y represents the zero class in H q - 1 ( X , 2 ) then the divisor Y is globally principal.

Dolbeault homotopy theory and compact nilmanifolds

L. Cordero, M. Fernández, A. Gray, L. Ugarte (1998)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we study the degeneration of both the cohomology and the cohomotopy Frölicher spectral sequences in a special class of complex manifolds, namely the class of compact nilmanifolds endowed with a nilpotent complex structure. Whereas the cohomotopy spectral sequence is always degenerate for such a manifold, there exist many nilpotent complex structures on compact nilmanifolds for which the classical Frölicher spectral sequence does not collapse even at the second term.

Doubly commuting submodules of the Hardy module over polydiscs

Jaydeb Sarkar, Amol Sasane, Brett D. Wick (2013)

Studia Mathematica

In this note we establish a vector-valued version of Beurling’s theorem (the Lax-Halmos theorem) for the polydisc. As an application of the main result, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the “weak” completion problem in H ( ) .

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 219