Displaying 281 – 300 of 607

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On strongly asymptotically developable functions and the Borel-Ritt theorem

J. Sanz, F. Galindo (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the holomorphic functions on polysectors whose derivatives remain bounded on proper subpolysectors are precisely those strongly asymptotically developable in the sense of Majima. This fact allows us to solve two Borel-Ritt type interpolation problems from a functional-analytic viewpoint.

On subextension and approximation of plurisubharmonic functions with given boundary values

Hichame Amal (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Our aim in this article is the study of subextension and approximation of plurisubharmonic functions in χ ( Ω , H ) , the class of functions with finite χ-energy and given boundary values. We show that, under certain conditions, one can approximate any function in χ ( Ω , H ) by an increasing sequence of plurisubharmonic functions defined on strictly larger domains.

On the absence of the one-sided Poincaré lemma in Cauchy-Riemann manifolds

Fabio Nicola (2005)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Given an embeddable C R manifold M and a non-characteristic hypersurface S M we present a necessary condition for the tangential Cauchy-Riemann operator ¯ M on M to be locally solvable near a point x 0 S in one of the sidesdetermined by S .

On the algebra of A k -functions

Ulf Backlund, Anders Fällström (2006)

Mathematica Bohemica

For a domain Ω n let H ( Ω ) be the holomorphic functions on Ω and for any k let A k ( Ω ) = H ( Ω ) C k ( Ω ¯ ) . Denote by 𝒜 D k ( Ω ) the set of functions f Ω [ 0 , ) with the property that there exists a sequence of functions f j A k ( Ω ) such that { | f j | } is a nonincreasing sequence and such that f ( z ) = lim j | f j ( z ) | . By 𝒜 I k ( Ω ) denote the set of functions f Ω ( 0 , ) with the property that there exists a sequence of functions f j A k ( Ω ) such that { | f j | } is a nondecreasing sequence and such that f ( z ) = lim j | f j ( z ) | . Let k and let Ω 1 and Ω 2 be bounded A k -domains of holomorphy in m 1 and m 2 respectively. Let g 1 𝒜 D k ( Ω 1 ) , g 2 𝒜 I k ( Ω 1 ) and h 𝒜 D k ( Ω 2 ) 𝒜 I k ( Ω 2 ) . We prove that the...

On the analytic approximation of differentiable functions from above

Alessandro Tancredi, Alberto Tognoli (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We determine conditions in order that a differentiable function be approximable from above by analytic functions, being left invariate on a fixed analytic subset which is a locally complete intersection.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 607