Displaying 341 – 360 of 607

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On the complexification of real-analytic polynomial mappings of ℝ²

Ewa Ligocka (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a simple algebraic condition on the leading homogeneous term of a polynomial mapping from ℝ² into ℝ² which is equivalent to the fact that the complexification of this mapping can be extended to a polynomial endomorphism of ℂℙ². We also prove that this extension acts on ℂℙ²∖ℂ² as a quotient of finite Blaschke products.

On the CR-structure of certain linear group orbits in infinite dimensions

Wilhelm Kaup (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

For large classes of complex Banach spaces (mainly operator spaces) we consider orbits of finite rank elements under the group of linear isometries. These are (in general) real-analytic submanifolds of infinite dimension but of finite CR-codimension. We compute the polynomial convex hull of such orbits  M explicitly and show as main result that every continuous CR-function on  M has a unique extension to the polynomial convex hull which is holomorphic in a certain sense. This generalizes to infinite...

On the dependence of the Bergman function on deformations of the Hartogs domain

Zbigniew Pasternak-Winiarski (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We apply the Rudin idea to represent the Bergman kernel of the Hartogs domain as the sum of a series of weighted Bergman functions in the study of the dependence of this kernel on deformations of the domain. We prove that the Bergman function depends smoothly on the function defining the Hartogs domain.

On the diffeomorphic type of the complement to a line arrangement in a projective plane

Fedor Bogomolov, Viktor Kulikov (2012)

Open Mathematics

We show that the diffeomorphic type of the complement to a line arrangement in a complex projective plane P 2 depends only on the graph of line intersections if no line in the arrangement contains more than two points in which at least two lines intersect. This result also holds for some special arrangements which do not satisfy this property. However it is not true in general, see [Rybnikov G., On the fundamental group of the complement of a complex hyperplane arrangement, Funct. Anal. Appl., 2011,...

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 607