Displaying 421 – 440 of 606

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An extension of Schwick's theorem for normal families

Yasheng Ye, Xuecheng Pang, Liu Yang (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In this paper, the definition of the derivative of meromorphic functions is extended to holomorphic maps from a plane domain into the complex projective space. We then use it to study the normality criteria for families of holomorphic maps. The results obtained generalize and improve Schwick's theorem for normal families.

An extension theorem for separately holomorphic functions with analytic singularities

Marek Jarnicki, Peter Pflug (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let D j k j be a pseudoconvex domain and let A j D j be a locally pluriregular set, j = 1,...,N. Put X : = j = 1 N A × . . . × A j - 1 × D j × A j + 1 × . . . × A N k + . . . + k N . Let U be an open connected neighborhood of X and let M ⊊ U be an analytic subset. Then there exists an analytic subset M̂ of the “envelope of holomorphy” X̂ of X with M̂ ∩ X ⊂ M such that for every function f separately holomorphic on X∖M there exists an f̂ holomorphic on X̂∖M̂ with f ̂ | X M = f . The result generalizes special cases which were studied in [Ökt 1998], [Ökt 1999], [Sic 2001], and [Jar-Pfl 2001].

An extension theorem with analytic singularities for generalized (N,k)-crosses

Arkadiusz Lewandowski (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The main result of the paper is a new Hartogs type extension theorem for generalized (N,k)-crosses with analytic singularities for separately holomorphic functions and for separately meromorphic functions. Our result is a simultaneous generalization of several known results, from the classical cross theorem, through the extension theorem with analytic singularities for generalized crosses, to the cross theorem with analytic singularities for meromorphic functions.

An index inequality for embedded pseudoholomorphic curves in symplectizations

Michael Hutchings (2002)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let Σ be a surface with a symplectic form, let φ be a symplectomorphism of Σ , and let Y be the mapping torus of φ . We show that the dimensions of moduli spaces of embedded pseudoholomorphic curves in × 𝕐 , with cylindrical ends asymptotic to periodic orbits of φ or multiple covers thereof, are bounded from above by an additive relative index. We deduce some compactness results for these moduli spaces. This paper establishes some of the foundations for a program with Michael Thaddeus, to understand...

An inequality for symplectic fillings of the link of a hypersurface K3 singularity

Hiroshi Ohta, Kaoru Ono (2009)

Banach Center Publications

Some relations between normal complex surface singularities and symplectic fillings of the links of the singularities are discussed. For a certain class of singularities of general type, which are called hypersurface K3 singularities in this paper, an inequality for numerical invariants of any minimal symplectic fillings of the links of the singularities is derived. This inequality can be regarded as a symplectic/contact analog of the 11/8-conjecture in 4-dimensional topology.

An integral formula on submanifolds of domains of Cn..

Telemachos Hatziafratis (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A Bochner-Martinelli-Koppelman type integral formula on submanifolds of pseudoconvex domains in Cn is derived; the result gives, in particular, integral formulas on Stein manifolds.

An interpolation theorem in toric varieties

Martin Weimann (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In the spirit of a theorem of Wood, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a family of germs of analytic hypersurfaces in a smooth projective toric variety X to be interpolated by an algebraic hypersurface with a fixed class in the Picard group of X .

An ℓ-th root of a test configuration of exponent ℓ

Toshiki Mabuchi (2016)

Complex Manifolds

Let (X, L) be a polarized algebraic manifold. Then for every test configuration μ = (X, L,Ψ) for (X, L) of exponent ℓ, we obtain an ℓ-th root (κ, D) of μ and Gm-equivariant desingularizations ι : X → X and η : X → Y, both isomorphic onX X̂ 0, such that [...] whereκ= (Y, Q, η) is a test configuration for (X, L) of exponent 1, and D is an effective Q-divisor onX such that ℓD is an integral divisor with support in the fiber X0. Then (κ, D) can be chosen in such a way that [...] where C1 and C2 are...

An obstruction to homogeneous manifolds being Kähler

Bruce Gilligan (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let G be a connected complex Lie group, H a closed, complex subgroup of G and X : = G / H . Let R be the radical and S a maximal semisimple subgroup of G . Attempts to construct examples of noncompact manifolds X homogeneous under a nontrivial semidirect product G = S R with a not necessarily G -invariant Kähler metric motivated this paper. The S -orbit S / S H in X is Kähler. Thus S H is an algebraic subgroup of S [4]. The Kähler assumption on X ought to imply the S -action on the base Y of any homogeneous fibration X Y is algebraic...

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 606