Displaying 441 – 460 of 606

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An open mapping theorem for analytic multifunctions

Zbigniew Słodkowski (1997)

Studia Mathematica

The paper gives sufficient conditions for projections of certain pseudoconcave sets to be open. More specifically, it is shown that the range of an analytic set-valued function whose values are simply connected planar continua is open, provided there does not exist a point which belongs to boundaries of all the fibers. The main tool is a theorem on existence of analytic discs in certain polynomially convex hulls, obtained earlier by the author.

Analytic cohomology of complete intersections in a Banach space

Imre Patyi (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a Banach space with a countable unconditional basis (e.g., X = 2 ), Ω X an open set and f 1 , ... , f k complex-valued holomorphic functions on Ω , such that the Fréchet differentials d f 1 ( x ) , ... , d f k ( x ) are linearly independant over at each x Ω . We suppose that M = { x Ω : f 1 ( x ) = ... = f k ( x ) = 0 } is a complete intersection and we consider a holomorphic Banach vector bundle E M . If I (resp. 𝒪 E ) denote the ideal of germs of holomorphic functions on Ω that vanish on M (resp. the sheaf of germs of holomorphic sections of E ), then the sheaf cohomology groups H q ( Ω , I ) , H q ( M , 𝒪 E ) vanish...

Analytic convexity

Aldo Andreotti, Mauro Nacinovich (1980)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Analytic disks with boundaries in a maximal real submanifold of 𝐂 2

Franc Forstneric (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let M be a two dimensional totally real submanifold of class C 2 in C 2 . A continuous map F : Δ C 2 of the closed unit disk Δ C into C 2 that is holomorphic on the open disk Δ and maps its boundary b Δ into M is called an analytic disk with boundary in M . Given an initial immersed analytic disk F 0 with boundary in M , we describe the existence and behavior of analytic disks near F 0 with boundaries in small perturbations of M in terms of the homology class of the closed curve F 0 ( b Δ ) in M . We also prove a regularity theorem...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 606