Remarques sur les ouverts localement de Stein.
We show that every closed subset of CN that has finite (2N - 2)-dimensional measure is a removable set for holomorphic functions, and we obtain a related result on the ball.
We develop a theory of removable singularities for the weighted Bergman space , where is a Radon measure on . The set is weakly removable for if , and strongly removable for if . The general theory developed is in many ways similar to the theory of removable singularities for Hardy spaces, and locally Lipschitz spaces of analytic functions, including the existence of counterexamples to many plausible properties, e.g. the union of two compact removable singularities needs not be removable....
The necessary and sufficient condition that a given plurisubharmonic or a subharmonic function admits the representation by the logarithmic potential (up to pluriharmonic or a harmonic term) is obtained in terms of the Radon transform. This representation is applied to the problem of representation of analytic functions by products of primary factors.
We consider the representation theory for a class of log-canonical surface singularities in the sense of reflexive (or equivalently maximal Cohen-Macaulay) modules and in the sense of finite dimensional representations of the local fundamental group. A detailed classification and enumeration of the indecomposable reflexive modules is given, and we prove that any reflexive module admits an integrable connection and hence is induced from a finite dimensional representation of the local fundamental...
Dans cette note nous établissons le résultat suivant, annoncé dans [CCE13] : si est l’image d’une représentation linéaire d’un groupe kählérien , il admet un sous-groupe d’indice fini qui est l’image d’une représentation linéaire du groupe fondamental d’une variété projective complexe lisse .Il s’agit donc de la solution (à indice fini près) pour les représentations linéaires d’une question usuelle demandant si le groupe fondamental d’une variété kählérienne compacte est aussi celui d’une variété...
We consider the set of representing measures at 0 for the disc and the ball algebra. The structure of the extreme elements of these sets is investigated. We give particular attention to representing measures for the 2-ball algebra which arise by lifting representing measures for the disc algebra.
We consider holomorphic functions and complex harmonic functions on some balls, including the complex Euclidean ball, the Lie ball and the dual Lie ball. After reviewing some results on Bergman kernels and harmonic Bergman kernels for these balls, we consider harmonic continuation of complex harmonic functions on these balls by using harmonic Bergman kernels. We also study Szegő kernels and harmonic Szegő kernels for these balls.
On homogeneous Siegel domains of type II, we prove that under certain conditions, the subspace of a weighted -space (0 < p < ∞) consisting of holomorphic functions is reproduced by a weighted Bergman kernel. We also obtain some -estimates for weighted Bergman projections. The proofs rely on a generalization of the Plancherel-Gindikin formula for the Bergman space .