Résidu de Grothendieck et forme de Chow.
We show an explicit relation between the Chow form and the Grothendieck residue; and we clarify the role that the residue can play in the intersection theory besides its role in the division problem.
We show an explicit relation between the Chow form and the Grothendieck residue; and we clarify the role that the residue can play in the intersection theory besides its role in the division problem.
Our objective is to construct residue currents from Bochner-Martinelli type kernels; the computations hold in the non complete intersection case and provide a new and more direct approach of the residue of Coleff-Herrera in the complete intersection case; computations involve crucial relations with toroidal varieties and multivariate integrals of the Mellin-Barnes type.
On résout le pour les formes admettant une valeur au bord au sens des courants sur un domaine strictement pseudoconvexe de .