Holomorphic mapping of annuli in and the associated extremal function
Let be a compact complex manifold with boundary and let be a high power of a hermitian holomorphic line bundle over When has no boundary, Demailly’s holomorphic Morse inequalities give asymptotic bounds on the dimensions of the Dolbeault cohomology groups with values in in terms of the curvature of We extend Demailly’s inequalities to the case when has a boundary by adding a boundary term expressed as a certain average of the curvature of the line bundle and the Levi curvature of the...
We study coherent subsheaves 𝓓 of the holomorphic tangent sheaf of a complex manifold. A description of the corresponding 𝓓-stable ideals and their closed complex subspaces is sketched. Our study of non-holonomicity is based on the Noetherian property of coherent analytic sheaves. This is inspired by the paper [3] which is related with some problems of mechanics.
Holomorphic Poisson structures arise naturally in the realm of generalized geometry. A holomorphic Poisson structure induces a deformation of the complex structure in a generalized sense, whose cohomology is obtained by twisting the Dolbeault @-operator by the holomorphic Poisson bivector field. Therefore, the cohomology space naturally appears as the limit of a spectral sequence of a double complex. The first sheet of this spectral sequence is simply the Dolbeault cohomology with coefficients in...
In this paper, we consider the problem of determining which topological complex rank-2 vector bundles on non-Kähler elliptic surfaces admit holomorphic structures; in particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of holomorphic rank-2 vector bundles on non-{Kä}hler elliptic surfaces.
In an earlier paper, the first two authors have shown that the convolution of a function continuous on the closure of a Cartan domain and a -invariant finite measure on that domain is again continuous on the closure, and, moreover, its restriction to any boundary face depends only on the restriction of to and is equal to the convolution, in , of the latter restriction with some measure on uniquely determined by . In this article, we give an explicit formula for in terms of ,...
A previous paper was devoted to the construction of non-trivial holomorphic families of holomorphic isometries for the Carathéodory metric of a bounded domain in a complex Banach space, fixing a point in the domain. The present article shows that such a family cannot exist if it contains a strongly continuous one parameter semigroup.