Espace de Teichmüller
Nous définissons l’espace des germes d’arcs réels tracés sur un ensemble semi-algébrique de , analogue réel de la théorie développée par Denef et Loeser concernant l’espace des germes d’arcs tracés sur une variété algébrique complexe. Puis, reprenant leur méthodes, nous prouvons la rationalité de la série de Poincaré associée à un ensemble semi-algébrique.
Let and be holomorphic self-maps of the unit disk, and denote by , the induced composition operators. This paper gives some simple estimates of the essential norm for the difference of composition operators from Bloch spaces to Bloch spaces in the unit disk. Compactness of the difference is also characterized.
In this paper, we give precise isotropic and non-isotropic estimates for the Bergman and Szegö projections of a bounded pseudoconvex domain whose boundary points are all of finite type and with locally diagonalizable Levi form. Additional local results on estimates of invariant metrics are also given.
Sharp geometrical lower and upper estimates are obtained for the Bergman kernel on the diagonal of a convex domain D ⊂ ℂⁿ which does not contain complex lines. It is also proved that the ratio of the Bergman and Carathéodory metrics of D does not exceed a constant depending only on n.