Displaying 3581 – 3600 of 9312

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Inverse problems on star-type graphs: differential operators of different orders on different edges

Vyacheslav Yurko (2014)

Open Mathematics

We study inverse spectral problems for ordinary differential equations on compact star-type graphs when differential equations have different orders on different edges. As the main spectral characteristics we introduce and study the so-called Weyl-type matrices which are generalizations of the Weyl function (m-function) for the classical Sturm-Liouville operator. We provide a procedure for constructing the solution of the inverse problem and prove its uniqueness.

Inversion in indirect optimal control of multivariable systems

François Chaplais, Nicolas Petit (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper presents the role of vector relative degree in the formulation of stationarity conditions of optimal control problems for affine control systems. After translating the dynamics into a normal form, we study the Hamiltonian structure. Stationarity conditions are rewritten with a limited number of variables. The approach is demonstrated on two and three inputs systems, then, we prove a formal result in the general case. A mechanical system example serves as illustration.

Involutions of real intervals

Gaetano Zampieri (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper shows a simple construction of continuous involutions of real intervals in terms of continuous even functions. We also study smooth involutions defined by symmetric equations. Finally, we review some applications, in particular a characterization of isochronous potentials by means of smooth involutions.

Isolated points of some sets of bounded cosine families, bounded semigroups, and bounded groups on a Banach space

Adam Bobrowski, Wojciech Chojnacki (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We show that if the set of all bounded strongly continuous cosine families on a Banach space X is treated as a metric space under the metric of the uniform convergence associated with the operator norm on the space 𝓛(X) of all bounded linear operators on X, then the isolated points of this set are precisely the scalar cosine families. By definition, a scalar cosine family is a cosine family whose members are all scalar multiples of the identity operator. We also show that if the sets of all bounded...

Iterative Einschliessungen von Lösungen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen durch Newton-ähnliche Iterationsverfahren

Rudolf L. Voller (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

In der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchen wir monoton einschliessende Newton-ähnliche Iterationsverfahren zur näherungsweisen Lösung verschiedener Klassen vonnichtlinearen Differentialgleichungen. Die behandelten Methoden sind auch für nichtkonvexe Nichtlinearitäten anwendbar. Ferner konstruieren wir einschliessende Startnäherungen für diese Verfahren, so dass wir die Existenz der Lösungen der gegebenen Differentialgleichungen sichern können. Die Konvergenz der Verfahren wird auch für den Fall bewiesen,...

Currently displaying 3581 – 3600 of 9312