Displaying 81 – 100 of 180

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On algebraic sets invariant by one-dimensional foliations on 𝐂 P ( 3 )

Marcio G. Soares (1993)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We consider the problem of extending the result of J.-P. Jouanolou on the density of singular holomorphic foliations on C P ( 2 ) without algebraic solutions to the case of foliations by curves on C P ( 3 ) . We give an example of a foliation on C P ( 3 ) with no invariant algebraic set (curve or surface) and prove that a dense set of foliations admits no invariant algebraic set.

On index theorems for linear ordinary differential operators

Michèle Loday-Richaud, Geneviève Pourcin (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We introduce and study the sheaf of Deligne to describe singular points of a linear differential operator D and we develop a technique based on homological algebra to prove index theorems for D .As particular cases, we obtain index theorems for D acting in spaces of multisummable series and a new proof of the index theorem of Malgrange in the space of convergent power series and of the index theorems of Ramis in the spaces of Gevrey series.We compute the values of these indices in terms of the formal...

On solutions of differential equations with ``common zero'' at infinity

Árpád Elbert, Jaromír Vosmanský (1997)

Archivum Mathematicum

The zeros c k ( ν ) of the solution z ( t , ν ) of the differential equation z ' ' + q ( t , ν ) z = 0 are investigated when lim t q ( t , ν ) = 1 , | q ( t , ν ) - 1 | d t < and q ( t , ν ) has some monotonicity properties as t . The notion c κ ( ν ) is introduced also for κ real, too. We are particularly interested in solutions z ( t , ν ) which are “close" to the functions sin t , cos t when t is large. We derive a formula for d c κ ( ν ) / d ν and apply the result to Bessel differential equation, where we introduce new pair of linearly independent solutions replacing the usual pair J ν ( t ) , Y ν ( t ) . We show the concavity of c κ ( ν ) for | ν | 1 2 and also...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 180