Displaying 701 – 720 of 2162

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On optimal decay rates for weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in R n

Tetsuro Miyakawa, Maria Elena Schonbek (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper is concerned with optimal lower bounds of decay rates for solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in n . Necessary and sufficient conditions are given such that the corresponding Navier-Stokes solutions are shown to satisfy the algebraic bound u ( t ) ( t + 1 ) - n + 4 2 .

On optimal L p regularity in evolution equations

Alessandra Lunardi (1999)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Using interpolation techniques we prove an optimal regularity theorem for the convolution u t = 0 t T t - s f s d s , where T t is a strongly continuous semigroup in general Banach space. In the case of abstract parabolic problems – that is, when T t is an analytic semigroup – it lets us recover in a unified way previous regularity results. It may be applied also to some non analytic semigroups, such as the realization of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in L p R n , 1 < p < , in which case it yields new optimal regularity results in fractional...

On periodic homogenization in perfect elasto-plasticity

Gilles A. Francfort, Alessandro Giacomini (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The limit behavior of a periodic assembly of a finite number of elasto-plastic phases is investigated as the period becomes vanishingly small. A limit quasi-static evolution is derived through two-scale convergence techniques. It can be thermodynamically viewed as an elasto-plastic model, albeit with an infinite number of internal variables.

On periodic in the plane solutions of second order linear hyperbolic systems

Tariel Kiguradze (1997)

Archivum Mathematicum

Sufficient conditions for the problem 2 u x y = P 0 ( x , y ) u + P 1 ( x , y ) u x + P 2 ( x , y ) u y + q ( x , y ) , u ( x + ω 1 , y ) = u ( x , y ) , u ( x , y + ω 2 ) = u ( x , y ) to have the Fredholm property and to be uniquely solvable are established, where ω 1 and ω 2 are positive constants and P j : R 2 R n × n ( j = 0 , 1 ...

On periodic motions of a two dimensional Toda type chain

Gianni Mancini, P. N. Srikanth (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we consider a chain of strings with fixed end points coupled with nearest neighbour interaction potential of exponential type, i.e. ϕ t t i - ϕ x x i = exp ( ϕ i + 1 - ϕ i ) - exp ( ϕ i - ϕ i - 1 ) 0 &lt; x &lt; π , t , i ( T C ) ϕ i ( 0 , t ) = ϕ i ( π , t ) = 0 t , i . We consider the case of “closed chains” i.e. ϕ i + N = ϕ i i and some N and look for solutions which are peirodic in time. The existence of periodic solutions for the dual problem is proved in Orlicz space setting.

On periodic motions of a two dimensional Toda type chain

Gianni Mancini, P. N. Srikanth (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we consider a chain of strings with fixed end points coupled with nearest neighbour interaction potential of exponential type, i.e. ϕ t t i - ϕ x x i = exp ( ϕ i + 1 - ϕ i ) - exp ( ϕ i - ϕ i - 1 ) 0 < x < π , t I R , i Z Z ( TC ) ϕ i ( 0 , t ) = ϕ i ( π , t ) = 0 t , i . We consider the case of “closed chains" i.e. ϕ i + N = ϕ i i Z Z and some N I N and look for solutions which are peirodic in time. The existence of periodic solutions for the dual problem is proved in Orlicz space setting.

On periodic solution of a nonlinear beam equation

Marie Kopáčková (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

the existence of an ω -periodic solution of the equation 2 u t 2 + α 4 u x 4 + γ 5 u x 4 t - γ ˜ 3 u x 2 t + δ u t - β + 0 n u x 2 ( · , ξ ) d ξ + σ 0 n 2 u x t ( · , ξ ) u x ( · , ξ ) d ξ 2 u x 2 = f sarisfying the boundary conditions u ( t , 0 ) = u ( t , π ) = 2 u x 2 t , 0 = 2 u x 2 t , π = 0 is proved for every ω -periodic function f C 0 , ω , L 2 .

On periodic solutions of a special type of the beam equation

Jan Řeháček (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the existence of time-periodic solutions to the beam equation, in which terms expressing torsion and damping are also considered. The existence of periodic solutions is proved in the cas of time-periodic outer forces by means of an apriori estimate and the Fourier method.

On phase segregation in nonlocal two-particle Hartree systems

Walter Aschbacher, Marco Squassina (2009)

Open Mathematics

We prove the phase segregation phenomenon to occur in the ground state solutions of an interacting system of two self-coupled repulsive Hartree equations for large nonlinear and nonlocal interactions. A self-consistent numerical investigation visualizes the approach to this segregated regime.

Currently displaying 701 – 720 of 2162