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Cauchy data on a manifold

Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Demetrios Christodoulou, Mauro Francaviglia (1978)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique

Cauchy problem for a class of parabolic systems of Shilov type with variable coefficients

Vladyslav Litovchenko, Iryna Dovzhytska (2012)

Open Mathematics

In the case of initial data belonging to a wide class of functions including distributions of Gelfand-Shilov type we establish the correct solvability of the Cauchy problem for a new class of Shilov parabolic systems of equations with partial derivatives with bounded smooth variable lower coefficients and nonnegative genus. We also investigate the conditions of local improvement of the convergence of a solution of this problem to its limiting value when the time variable tends to zero.

Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with triple characteristics of variable multiplicity

Enrico Bernardi, Antonio Bove, Vesselin Petkov (2010)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We study a class of third order hyperbolic operators P in G = Ω { 0 t T } , Ω n + 1 with triple characteristics on t = 0 . We consider the case when the fundamental matrix of the principal symbol for t = 0 has a couple of non vanishing real eigenvalues and P is strictly hyperbolic for t > 0 . We prove that P is strongly hyperbolic, that is the Cauchy problem for P + Q is well posed in G for any lower order terms Q .

Cauchy problem for multidimensional coupled system of nonlinear Schrödinger equation and generalized IMBq equation

Chen Guowang (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The existence, uniqueness and regularity of the generalized local solution and the classical local solution to the periodic boundary value problem and Cauchy problem for the multidimensional coupled system of a nonlinear complex Schrödinger equation and a generalized IMBq equation i ε t + 2 ε - u ε = 0 , u ...

Cauchy problem for semilinear parabolic equations with initial data in Hps(Rn) spaces.

Francis Ribaud (1998)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We study local and global Cauchy problems for the Semilinear Parabolic Equations ∂tU - ΔU = P(D) F(U) with initial data in fractional Sobolev spaces Hps(Rn). In most of the studies on this subject, the initial data U0(x) belongs to Lebesgue spaces Lp(Rn) or to supercritical fractional Sobolev spaces Hps(Rn) (s > n/p). Our purpose is to study the intermediate cases (namely for 0 < s < n/p). We give some mapping properties for functions with polynomial growth on subcritical Hps(Rn)...

Cauchy problem for the complex Ginzburg-Landau type Equation with L p -initial data

Daisuke Shimotsuma, Tomomi Yokota, Kentarou Yoshii (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper gives the local existence of mild solutions to the Cauchy problem for the complex Ginzburg-Landau type equation u t - ( λ + i α ) Δ u + ( κ + i β ) | u | q - 1 u - γ u = 0 in N × ( 0 , ) with L p -initial data u 0 in the subcritical case ( 1 q < 1 + 2 p / N ), where u is a complex-valued unknown function, α , β , γ , κ , λ > 0 , p > 1 , i = - 1 and N . The proof is based on the L p - L q estimates of the linear semigroup { exp ( t ( λ + i α ) Δ ) } and usual fixed-point argument.

Cauchy problem for the non-newtonian viscous incompressible fluid

Milan Pokorný (1996)

Applications of Mathematics

We study the Cauchy problem for the non-Newtonian incompressible fluid with the viscous part of the stress tensor τ V ( 𝕖 ) = τ ( 𝕖 ) - 2 μ 1 Δ 𝕖 , where the nonlinear function τ ( 𝕖 ) satisfies τ i j ( 𝕖 ) e i j c | 𝕖 | p or τ i j ( 𝕖 ) e i j c ( | 𝕖 | 2 + | 𝕖 | p ) . First, the model for the bipolar fluid is studied and existence, uniqueness and regularity of the weak solution is proved for p > 1 for both models. Then, under vanishing higher viscosity μ 1 , the Cauchy problem for the monopolar fluid is considered. For the first model the existence of the weak solution is proved for p > 3 n n + 2 , its uniqueness and...

Cauchy problem in generalized Gevrey classes

Daniela Calvo (2003)

Banach Center Publications

In this work we present a class of partial differential operators with constant coefficients, called multi-quasi-hyperbolic and defined in terms of a complete polyhedron. For them we obtain the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem in generalized Gevrey classes determined by means of the same polyhedron. We present some necessary and sufficient conditions on the operator in order to be multi-quasi-hyperbolic and give some examples.

Cauchy problems in weighted Lebesgue spaces

Jan W. Cholewa, Tomasz Dłotko (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Global solvability and asymptotics of semilinear parabolic Cauchy problems in n are considered. Following the approach of A. Mielke [15] these problems are investigated in weighted Sobolev spaces. The paper provides also a theory of second order elliptic operators in such spaces considered over n , n . In particular, the generation of analytic semigroups and the embeddings for the domains of fractional powers of elliptic operators are discussed.

Cauchy-Dirichlet problem in Morrey spaces for parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients

Dian K. Palagachev, Maria A. Ragusa, Lubomira G. Softova (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Let Q T be a cylinder in R n + 1 and x = x , t R n × R . It is studied the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the uniformly parabolic operator u t - i , j = 1 n a i j x D i j u = f x q.o. in  Q T , u x = 0 su  Q T , in the Morrey spaces W p , λ 2 , 1 Q T , p 1 , , λ 0 , n + 2 , supposing the coefficients to belong to the class of functions with vanishing mean oscillation. There are obtained a priori estimates in Morrey spaces and Hölder regularity for the solution and its spatial derivatives.

Cauchy-Neumann problem for a class of nondiagonal parabolic systems with quadratic nonlinearities II. Local and global solvability results

Arina A. Arkhipova (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove local in time solvability of the nonlinear initial-boundary problem to nonlinear nondiagonal parabolic systems of equations (multidimensional case). No growth restrictions are assumed on generating the system functions. In the case of two spatial variables we construct the global in time solution to the Cauchy-Neumann problem for a class of nondiagonal parabolic systems. The solution is smooth almost everywhere and has an at most finite number of singular points.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 875