Displaying 61 – 80 of 555

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L1 and L∞-estimates with a local weight for the ∂-equation on convex domains in Cn.

Francesc Tugores (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We construct a defining function for a convex domain in Cn that we use to prove that the solution-operator of Henkin-Romanov for the ∂-equation is bounded in L1 and L∞-norms with a weight that reflects not only how near the point is to the boundary of the domain but also how convex the domain is near the point. We refine and localize the weights that Polking uses in [Po] for the same type of domains because they depend only on the Euclidean distance to the boudary and don't take into account the...

L₁-uniqueness of degenerate elliptic operators

Derek W. Robinson, Adam Sikora (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Let Ω be an open subset of d with 0 ∈ Ω. Furthermore, let H Ω = - i , j = 1 d i c i j j be a second-order partial differential operator with domain C c ( Ω ) where the coefficients c i j W l o c 1 , ( Ω ̅ ) are real, c i j = c j i and the coefficient matrix C = ( c i j ) satisfies bounds 0 < C(x) ≤ c(|x|)I for all x ∈ Ω. If 0 d s s d / 2 e - λ μ ( s ) ² < for some λ > 0 where μ ( s ) = 0 s d t c ( t ) - 1 / 2 then we establish that H Ω is L₁-unique, i.e. it has a unique L₁-extension which generates a continuous semigroup, if and only if it is Markov unique, i.e. it has a unique L₂-extension which generates a submarkovian semigroup. Moreover...

L2 stability analysis of the central discontinuous Galerkin method and a comparison between the central and regular discontinuous Galerkin methods

Yingjie Liu, Chi-Wang Shu, Eitan Tadmor, Mengping Zhang (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We prove stability and derive error estimates for the recently introduced central discontinuous Galerkin method, in the context of linear hyperbolic equations with possibly discontinuous solutions. A comparison between the central discontinuous Galerkin method and the regular discontinuous Galerkin method in this context is also made. Numerical experiments are provided to validate the quantitative conclusions from the analysis.

L2-stability of the upwind first order finite volume scheme for the Maxwell equations in two and three dimensions on arbitrary unstructured meshes

Serge Piperno (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We investigate sufficient and possibly necessary conditions for the L2 stability of the upwind first order finite volume scheme for Maxwell equations, with metallic and absorbing boundary conditions. We yield a very general sufficient condition, valid for any finite volume partition in two and three space dimensions. We show this condition is necessary for a class of regular meshes in two space dimensions. However, numerical tests show it is not necessary in three space dimensions even on regular...

La géométrie de Bakry-Émery et l’écart fondamental

Julie Rowlett (2009/2010)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Cet article est une présentation rapide, d’une part de résultats de l’auteur et Z. Lu [14], et d’autre part, de la résolution de la conjecture de l’écart fondamental par Andrews et Clutterbuck [1]. Nous commençons par rappeler ce qu’est la géométrie de Bakry-Émery, nous poursuivons en montrant les liens entre valeurs propres du laplacien de Dirichlet et de Neumann. Nous démontrons ensuite un rapport entre l’écart fondamental et la géométrie de Bakry-Émery, puis nous présentons les idées principales...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 555