Displaying 801 – 820 of 17465

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A pathwise solution for nonlinear parabolic equations with stochastic perturbations

Bogdan Iftimie, Constantin Varsan (2003)

Open Mathematics

We analyse here a semilinear stochastic partial differential equation of parabolic type where the diffusion vector fields are depending on both the unknown function and its gradient ∂ xu with respect to the state variable, ∈ ℝn. A local solution is constructed by reducing the original equation to a nonlinear parabolic one without stochastic perturbations and it is based on a finite dimensional Lie algebra generated by the given diffusion vector fields.

A penalty method for the time-dependent Stokes problem with the slip boundary condition and its finite element approximation

Guanyu Zhou, Takahito Kashiwabara, Issei Oikawa (2017)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the finite element method for the time-dependent Stokes problem with the slip boundary condition in a smooth domain. To avoid a variational crime of numerical computation, a penalty method is introduced, which also facilitates the numerical implementation. For the continuous problem, the convergence of the penalty method is investigated. Then we study the fully discretized finite element approximations for the penalty method with the P1/P1-stabilization or P1b/P1 element. For the discretization...

A penalty method for topology optimization subject to a pointwise state constraint

Samuel Amstutz (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper deals with topology optimization of domains subject to a pointwise constraint on the gradient of the state. To realize this constraint, a class of penalty functionals is introduced and the expression of the corresponding topological derivative is obtained for the Laplace equation in two space dimensions. An algorithm based on these concepts is proposed. It is illustrated by some numerical applications.

A Petrov-Galerkin approximation of convection-diffusion and reaction-diffusion problems

Josef Dalík (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

A general construction of test functions in the Petrov-Galerkin method is described. Using this construction; algorithms for an approximate solution of the Dirichlet problem for the differential equation - ϵ u n + p u ' + q u = f are presented and analyzed theoretically. The positive number ϵ is supposed to be much less than the discretization step and the values of p , q . An algorithm for the corresponding two-dimensional problem is also suggested and results of numerical tests are introduced.

A phase-field model of grain boundary motion

Akio Ito, Nobuyuki Kenmochi, Noriaki Yamazaki (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a phase-field model of grain structure evolution, which appears in materials sciences. In this paper we study the grain boundary motion model of Kobayashi-Warren-Carter type, which contains a singular diffusivity. The main objective of this paper is to show the existence of solutions in a generalized sense. Moreover, we show the uniqueness of solutions for the model in one-dimensional space.

A piecewise P2-nonconforming quadrilateral finite element

Imbunm Kim, Zhongxuan Luo, Zhaoliang Meng, Hyun NAM, Chunjae Park, Dongwoo Sheen (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We introduce a piecewise P2-nonconforming quadrilateral finite element. First, we decompose a convex quadrilateral into the union of four triangles divided by its diagonals. Then the finite element space is defined by the set of all piecewise P2-polynomials that are quadratic in each triangle and continuously differentiable on the quadrilateral. The degrees of freedom (DOFs) are defined by the eight values at the two Gauss points on each of the four edges plus the value at the intersection of the...

A population biological model with a singular nonlinearity

Sayyed Hashem Rasouli (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the existence of positive solutions of the singular nonlinear semipositone problem of the form - div ( | x | - α p | u | p - 2 u ) = | x | - ( α + 1 ) p + β a u p - 1 - f ( u ) - c u γ , x Ω , u = 0 , x Ω , where Ω is a bounded smooth domain of N with 0 Ω , 1 < p < N , 0 α < ( N - p ) / p , γ ( 0 , 1 ) , and a , β , c and λ are positive parameters. Here f : [ 0 , ) is a continuous function. This model arises in the studies of population biology of one species with u representing the concentration of the species. We discuss the existence of a positive solution when f satisfies certain additional conditions. We use the method of sub-supersolutions...

A positive solution for an asymptotically linear elliptic problem on N autonomous at infinity

Louis Jeanjean, Kazunaga Tanaka (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we establish the existence of a positive solution for an asymptotically linear elliptic problem on N . The main difficulties to overcome are the lack of a priori bounds for Palais–Smale sequences and a lack of compactness as the domain is unbounded. For the first one we make use of techniques introduced by Lions in his work on concentration compactness. For the second we show how the fact that the “Problem at infinity” is autonomous, in contrast to just periodic, can be used in order...

A positive solution for an asymptotically linear elliptic problem on N autonomous at infinity

Louis Jeanjean, Kazunaga Tanaka (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we establish the existence of a positive solution for an asymptotically linear elliptic problem on N . The main difficulties to overcome are the lack of a priori bounds for Palais–Smale sequences and a lack of compactness as the domain is unbounded. For the first one we make use of techniques introduced by Lions in his work on concentration compactness. For the second we show how the fact that the “Problem at infinity” is autonomous, in contrast to just periodic, can be used in order...

Currently displaying 801 – 820 of 17465