Displaying 101 – 120 of 615

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Reduced order controllers for Burgers' equation with a nonlinear observer

Jeanne Atwell, Jeffrey Borggaard, Belinda King (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A method for reducing controllers for systems described by partial differential equations (PDEs) is applied to Burgers' equation with periodic boundary conditions. This approach differs from the typical approach of reducing the model and then designing the controller, and has developed over the past several years into its current form. In earlier work it was shown that functional gains for the feedback control law served well as a dataset for reduced order basis generation via the proper orthogonal...

Reduced resistive MHD in Tokamaks with general density

Bruno Després, Rémy Sart (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The aim of this paper is to derive a general model for reduced viscous and resistive Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and to study its mathematical structure. The model is established for arbitrary density profiles in the poloidal section of the toroidal geometry of Tokamaks. The existence of global weak solutions, on the one hand, and the stability of the fundamental mode around initial data, on the other hand, are investigated.

Reduced resistive MHD in Tokamaks with general density

Bruno Després, Rémy Sart (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The aim of this paper is to derive a general model for reduced viscous and resistive Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) and to study its mathematical structure. The model is established for arbitrary density profiles in the poloidal section of the toroidal geometry of Tokamaks. The existence of global weak solutions, on the one hand, and the stability of the fundamental mode around initial data, on the other hand, are investigated.

Reduced-order Unscented Kalman Filtering with application to parameter identification in large-dimensional systems

Philippe Moireau, Dominique Chapelle (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We propose a general reduced-order filtering strategy adapted to Unscented Kalman Filtering for any choice of sampling points distribution. This provides tractable filtering algorithms which can be used with large-dimensional systems when the uncertainty space is of reduced size, and these algorithms only invoke the original dynamical and observation operators, namely, they do not require tangent operator computations, which of course is of considerable benefit when nonlinear operators are considered....

Reduced-order Unscented Kalman Filtering with application to parameter identification in large-dimensional systems

Philippe Moireau, Dominique Chapelle (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We propose a general reduced-order filtering strategy adapted to Unscented Kalman Filtering for any choice of sampling points distribution. This provides tractable filtering algorithms which can be used with large-dimensional systems when the uncertainty space is of reduced size, and these algorithms only invoke the original dynamical and observation operators, namely, they do not require tangent operator computations, which of course is of considerable benefit when nonlinear operators are considered....

Réduction microlocale des systèmes d'opérateurs pseudo-différentiels

Jean Nourrigat (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On sait depuis 1976 qu’il existe un lien entre systèmes de champs de vecteurs réels et groupes nilpotents. On montre ici que ce phénomène s’étend aux systèmes d’opérateurs pseudo-différentiels à symboles principaux réels. Une équivalence de propriétés est conjecturée, mais seule l’une des implications est ici démontrée.

Regional boundary observability: a numerical approach

El Hassane Zerrik, Hamid Bourray, Ali Boutoulout (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper we review the concept of regional boundary observability, developed in (Michelitti, 1976), by means of sensor structures. This leads to the so-called boundary strategic sensors. A characterization of such sensors which guarantees regional boundary observability is given. The results obtained are applied to a two-dimensional system, and various cases of sensors are considered. We also describe an approach which leads to the estimation of the initial boundary state, which is illustrated...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 615