Displaying 3081 – 3100 of 4754

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On-off intermittency in continuum systems driven by the Chen system

Qian Zhou, Zeng-Qiang Chen, Zhu Zhi Yuan (2008)


Previous studies on on-off intermittency in continuum systems are generally based on the synchronization of identical chaotic oscillators or in nonlinear systems driven by the Duffing oscillator. In this paper, one-state on-off intermittency and two-state on-off intermittency are observed in two five- dimensional continuum systems, respectively, where each system has a two- dimensional subsystem driven by the chaotic Chen system. The phenomenon of intermingled basins is observed below the blowout...

Opening gaps in the spectrum of strictly ergodic Schrödinger operators

Artur Avila, Jairo Bochi, David Damanik (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider Schrödinger operators with dynamically defined potentials arising from continuous sampling along orbits of strictly ergodic transformations. The Gap Labeling Theorem states that the possible gaps in the spectrum can be canonically labelled by an at most countable set defined purely in terms of the dynamics. Which labels actually appear depends on the choice of the sampling function; the missing labels are said to correspond to collapsed gaps. Here we show that for any collapsed gap,...

Optimal, adaptive and single state feedback control for a 3D chaotic system with golden proportion equilibria

Hassan Saberi Nik, Ping He, Sayyed Taha Talebian (2014)


In this paper, the problems on purposefully controlling chaos for a three-dimensional quadratic continuous autonomous chaotic system, namely the chaotic Pehlivan-Uyaroglu system are investigated. The chaotic system, has three equilibrium points and more interestingly the equilibrium points have golden proportion values, which can generate single folded attractor. We developed an optimal control design, in order to stabilize the unstable equilibrium points of this system. Furthermore, we propose...

Optimal investment under stochastic volatility and power type utility function

Benchaabane, Abbes, Benchettah, Azzedine (2011)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 37F21, 70H20, 37L40, 37C40, 91G80, 93E20.In this work we will study a problem of optimal investment in financial markets with stochastic volatility with small parameter. We used the averaging method of Bogoliubov for limited development for the optimal strategies when the small parameter of the model tends to zero and the limit for the optimal strategy and demonstrated the convergence of these optimal strategies.

Optimal stability and instability results for a class of nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems

Massimiliano Berti, Luca Biasco, Philippe Bolle (2002)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We consider nearly integrable, non-isochronous, a-priori unstable Hamiltonian systems with a (trigonometric polynomial) O µ -perturbation which does not preserve the unperturbed tori. We prove the existence of Arnold diffusion with diffusion time T d = O 1 / μ log 1 / μ by a variational method which does not require the existence of «transition chains of tori» provided by KAM theory. We also prove that our estimate of the diffusion time T d is optimal as a consequence of a general stability result proved via classical perturbation...

Optimalité systolique infinitésimale de l’oscillateur harmonique

J.C. Álvarez Paiva, Florent Balacheff (2008/2009)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Nous étudions les aspects infinitésimaux du problème suivant. Soit H un hamiltonien de 2 n dont la surface d’énergie { H = 1 } borde un domaine compact et étoilé de volume identique à celui de la boule unité de 2 n . La surface d’énergie { H = 1 } contient-elle une orbite périodique du système hamiltonien q ˙ = H p p ˙ = - H q dont l’action soit au plus π  ?

Optimisation of time-scheduled regimen for anti-cancer drug infusion

Claude Basdevant, Jean Clairambault, Francis Lévi (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The chronotherapy concept takes advantage of the circadian rhythm of cells physiology in maximising a treatment efficacy on its target while minimising its toxicity on healthy organs. The object of the present paper is to investigate mathematically and numerically optimal strategies in cancer chronotherapy. To this end a mathematical model describing the time evolution of efficiency and toxicity of an oxaliplatin anti-tumour treatment has been derived. We then applied an optimal control technique...

Optimisation of time-scheduled regimen for anti-cancer drug infusion

Claude Basdevant, Jean Clairambault, Francis Lévi (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The chronotherapy concept takes advantage of the circadian rhythm of cells physiology in maximising a treatment efficacy on its target while minimising its toxicity on healthy organs. The object of the present paper is to investigate mathematically and numerically optimal strategies in cancer chronotherapy. To this end a mathematical model describing the time evolution of efficiency and toxicity of an oxaliplatin anti-tumour treatment has been derived. We then applied an optimal control...

Orbit equivalence and Kakutani equivalence with Sturmian subshifts

P. Dartnell, F. Durand, A. Maass (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Using dimension group tools and Bratteli-Vershik representations of minimal Cantor systems we prove that a minimal Cantor system and a Sturmian subshift are topologically conjugate if and only if they are orbit equivalent and Kakutani equivalent.

Currently displaying 3081 – 3100 of 4754