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Actions localement libres de groupes résolubles

Michel Belliart, Olivier Birembaux (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient G un groupe de Lie connexe de dimension n - 1 , Φ une action localement libre de classe C r ( r 2 ) de G sur une variété compacte M de dimension n 3 . Nous supposons qu’il existe dans l’algèbre de Lie de G un champ Y tel que les valeurs propres de ad ( Y ) soient α 1 , ... , α n - 2 , 0 avec Re ( α i ) < 0 i . Alors, nous montrons que Φ est C r -conjuguée à une “action modèle" de G sur un espace homogène H / Γ H est un groupe de Lie contenant G . Si n 4 , H est uniquement déterminé par G ; si n = 3 , il y a deux groupes H possibles, et nous pouvons donc donner une...

Adding machines, endpoints, and inverse limit spaces

Lori Alvin, Karen Brucks (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f be a unimodal map in the logistic or symmetric tent family whose restriction to the omega limit set of the turning point is topologically conjugate to an adding machine. A combinatoric characterization is provided for endpoints of the inverse limit space (I,f), where I denotes the core of the map.

Adelic equidistribution, characterization of equidistribution, and a general equidistribution theorem in non-archimedean dynamics

Yûsuke Okuyama (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We determine when the equidistribution property for possibly moving targets holds for a rational function of degree more than one on the projective line over an algebraically closed field of any characteristic and complete with respect to a non-trivial absolute value. This characterization could be useful in the positive characteristic case. Based on a variational argument, we give a purely local proof of the adelic equidistribution theorem for possibly moving targets, which is due to Favre and...

Adjoint methods for obstacle problems and weakly coupled systems of PDE

Filippo Cagnetti, Diogo Gomes, Hung Vinh Tran (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The adjoint method, recently introduced by Evans, is used to study obstacle problems, weakly coupled systems, cell problems for weakly coupled systems of Hamilton − Jacobi equations, and weakly coupled systems of obstacle type. In particular, new results about the speed of convergence of some approximation procedures are derived.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 4754