Displaying 21 – 40 of 155

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Reading along arithmetic progressions

T. Downarowicz (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given a 0-1 sequence x in which both letters occur with density 1/2, do there exist arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions along which x reads 010101...? We answer the above negatively by showing that a certain regular triadic Toeplitz sequence does not have this property. On the other hand, we prove that if x is a generalized binary Morse sequence then each block can be read in x along some arithmetic progression.

Real C k Koebe principle

Weixiao Shen, Michael Todd (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove a C k version of the real Koebe principle for interval (or circle) maps with non-flat critical points.

Recent progress in attractors for quintic wave equations

Anton Savostianov, Sergey Zelik (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

We report on new results concerning the global well-posedness, dissipativity and attractors for the quintic wave equations in bounded domains of 3 with damping terms of the form ( - Δ x ) θ t u , where θ = 0 or θ = 1 / 2 . The main ingredient of the work is the hidden extra regularity of solutions that does not follow from energy estimates. Due to the extra regularity of solutions existence of a smooth attractor then follows from the smoothing property when θ = 1 / 2 . For θ = 0 existence of smooth attractors is more complicated and follows...

Reconstructing the global dynamics of attractors via the Conley index

Christopher McCord (1999)

Banach Center Publications

Given an unknown attractor 𝓐 in a continuous dynamical system, how can we discover the topology and dynamics of 𝓐? As a practical matter, how can we do so from only a finite amount of information? One way of doing so is to produce a semi-conjugacy from 𝓐 onto a model system 𝓜 whose topology and dynamics are known. The complexity of 𝓜 then provides a lower bound for the complexity of 𝓐. The Conley index can be used to construct a simplicial model and a surjective semi-conjugacy for a large...

Recurrence and mixing recurrence of multiplication operators

Mohamed Amouch, Hamza Lakrimi (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let X be a Banach space, ( X ) the algebra of bounded linear operators on X and ( J , · J ) an admissible Banach ideal of ( X ) . For T ( X ) , let L J , T and R J , T ( J ) denote the left and right multiplication defined by L J , T ( A ) = T A and R J , T ( A ) = A T , respectively. In this paper, we study the transmission of some concepts related to recurrent operators between T ( X ) , and their elementary operators L J , T and R J , T . In particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for L J , T and R J , T to be sequentially recurrent. Furthermore, we prove that L J , T is recurrent if and only...

Recurrence of entire transcendental functions with simple post-singular sets

Jan-Martin Hemke (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study how the orbits of the singularities of the inverse of a meromorphic function determine the dynamics on its Julia set, at least up to a set of (Lebesgue) measure zero. We concentrate on a family of entire transcendental functions with only finitely many singularities of the inverse, counting multiplicity, all of which either escape exponentially fast or are pre-periodic. For these functions we are able to decide whether the function is recurrent or not. In the case that the Julia set is...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 155