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Bifurcations for Turing instability without SO(2) symmetry

Toshiyuki Ogawa, Takashi Okuda (2007)


In this paper, we consider the Swift–Hohenberg equation with perturbed boundary conditions. We do not a priori know the eigenfunctions for the linearized problem since the SO ( 2 ) symmetry of the problem is broken by perturbation. We show that how the neutral stability curves change and, as a result, how the bifurcation diagrams change by the perturbation of the boundary conditions.

Bifurcations in symplectic space

G. Ishikawa, S. Janeczko (2008)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we take new steps in the theory of symplectic and isotropic bifurcations, by solving the classification problem under a natural equivalence in several typical cases. Moreover we define the notion of coisotropic varieties and formulate also the coisotropic bifurcation problem. We consider several symplectic invariants of isotropic and coisotropic varieties, providing illustrative examples in the simplest non-trivial cases.

Bifurcations in the two imaginary centers problem

Cristina Chiralt, Beatriz Campos, Pura Vindel (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper we show that, for a given value of the energy, there is a bifurcation for the two imaginary centers problem. For this value not only the configuration of the orbits changes but also a change in the topology of the phase space occurs.

Bifurcations of invariant measures in discrete-time parameter dependent cocycles

Anastasia Maltseva, Volker Reitmann (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider parameter-dependent cocycles generated by nonautonomous difference equations. One of them is a discrete-time cardiac conduction model. For this system with a control variable a cocycle formulation is presented. We state a theorem about upper Hausdorff dimension estimates for cocycle attractors which includes some regulating function. We also consider the existence of invariant measures for cocycle systems using some elements of Perron-Frobenius theory and discuss the bifurcation of parameter-dependent...

Bifurcations of limit cycles from cubic Hamiltonian systems with a center and a homoclinic saddle-loop.

Yulin Zhao, Zhifen Zhang (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

It is proved in this paper that the maximum number of limit cycles of system⎧ dx/dt = y⎨⎩ dy/dt = kx - (k + 1)x2 + x3 + ε(α + βx + γx2)yis equal to two in the finite plane, where k > (11 + √33) / 4 , 0 < |ε| << 1, |α| + |β| + |γ| ≠ 0. This is partial answer to the seventh question in [2], posed by Arnold.

Bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings of a soliton hierarchy associated withSO(4)

Jian Zhang, Chiping Zhang, Yunan Cui (2017)

Open Mathematics

In our paper, the theory of bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings is generalized to the discrete case. First, based on the six-dimensional real special orthogonal Lie algebra SO(4), we construct bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings associated with SO(4) for a hierarchy from the enlarged matrix spectral problems and the enlarged zero curvature equations. Moreover, Hamiltonian structures of the obtained bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings are constructed by the variational identities....

Bilinear system as a modelling framework for analysis of microalgal growth

Štěpán Papáček, Sergej Čelikovský, Dalibor Štys, Javier Ruiz (2007)


A mathematical model of the microalgal growth under various light regimes is required for the optimization of design parameters and operating conditions in a photobioreactor. As its modelling framework, bilinear system with single input is chosen in this paper. The earlier theoretical results on bilinear systems are adapted and applied to the special class of the so-called intermittent controls which are characterized by rapid switching of light and dark cycles. Based on such approach, the following...

Billiard complexity in the hypercube

Nicolas Bedaride, Pascal Hubert (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider the billiard map in the hypercube of d . We obtain a language by coding the billiard map by the faces of the hypercube. We investigate the complexity function of this language. We prove that n 3 d - 3 is the order of magnitude of the complexity.

Billiards and boundary traces of eigenfunctions

Steve Zelditch (2003)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

This is a report on recent results with A. Hassell on quantum ergodicity of boundary traces of eigenfunctions on domains with ergodic billiards, and of work in progress with Hassell and Sogge on norms of boundary traces. Related work by Burq, Grieser and Smith-Sogge is also discussed.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 118