Displaying 1061 – 1080 of 4754

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Dense chaos

Ľubomír Snoha (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

According to A. Lasota, a continuous function f from a real compact interval I into itself is called generically chaotic if the set of all points ( x , y ) , for which lim inf n | f n ( x ) - f n ( y ) | = 0 and lim sup n | f n ( x ) - f n ( y ) | > 0 , is residual in I × I . Being inspired by this definition we say that f is densely chaotic if this set is dense in I × I . A characterization of the generically chaotic functions is known. In the paper the densely chaotic functions are characterized and it is proved that in the class of piecewise monotone maps with finite number of pieces the...

Densité des orbites des trajectoires browniennes sous l’action de la transformation de Lévy

Jean Brossard, Christophe Leuridan (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let Tbe a measurable transformation of a probability space ( E , , π ) , preserving the measureπ. Let X be a random variable with law π. Call K(⋅, ⋅) a regular version of the conditional law of X given T(X). Fix B . We first prove that ifB is reachable from π-almost every point for a Markov chain of kernel K, then the T-orbit of π-almost every point X visits B. We then apply this result to the Lévy transform, which transforms the Brownian motion W into the Brownian motion |W| − L, where L is the local time...

Density estimation for one-dimensional dynamical systems

Clémentine Prieur (2001)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we prove a Central Limit Theorem for standard kernel estimates of the invariant density of one-dimensional dynamical systems. The two main steps of the proof of this theorem are the following: the study of rate of convergence for the variance of the estimator and a variation on the Lindeberg–Rio method. We also give an extension in the case of weakly dependent sequences in a sense introduced by Doukhan and Louhichi.

Density Estimation for One-Dimensional Dynamical Systems

Clémentine Prieur (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we prove a Central Limit Theorem for standard kernel estimates of the invariant density of one-dimensional dynamical systems. The two main steps of the proof of this theorem are the following: the study of rate of convergence for the variance of the estimator and a variation on the Lindeberg–Rio method. We also give an extension in the case of weakly dependent sequences in a sense introduced by Doukhan and Louhichi.

Density of chaotic dynamics in periodically forced pendulum-type equations

Elena Bosetto, Enrico Serra, Susanna Terracini (2001)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We announce that a class of problems containing the classical periodically forced pendulum equation displays the main features of chaotic dynamics for a dense set of forcing terms in a space of periodic functions with zero mean value. The approach is based on global variational methods.

Density of paths of iterated Lévy transforms of brownian motion

Marc Malric (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The Lévy transform of a Brownian motion B is the Brownian motion B(1) given by Bt(1) = ∫0tsgn(Bs)dBs; call B(n) the Brownian motion obtained from B by iterating n times this transformation. We establish that almost surely, the sequence of paths (t → Bt(n))n⩾0 is dense in Wiener space, for the topology of uniform convergence on compact time intervals.

Density of paths of iterated Lévy transforms of Brownian motion

Marc Malric (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The Lévy transform of a Brownian motion B is the Brownian motion B(1) given by Bt(1) = ∫0tsgn(Bs)dBs; call B(n) the Brownian motion obtained from B by iterating n times this transformation. We establish that almost surely, the sequence of paths (t → Bt(n))n⩾0 is dense in Wiener space, for the topology of uniform convergence on compact time intervals.

Density of periodic sources in the boundary of a basin of attraction for iteration of holomorphic maps: geometric coding trees technique

Feliks Przytycki, Anna Zdunik (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if A is a basin of immediate attraction to a periodic attracting or parabolic point for a rational map f on the Riemann sphere, then the periodic points in the boundary of A are dense in this boundary. To prove this in the non-simply connected or parabolic situations we prove a more abstract, geometric coding trees version.

Density of the set of symbolic dynamics with all ergodic measures supported on periodic orbits

Tatiane Cardoso Batista, Juliano dos Santos Gonschorowski, Fabio Armando Tal (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let K be the Cantor set. We prove that arbitrarily close to a homeomorphism T: K → K there exists a homeomorphism T̃: K → K such that the ω-limit of every orbit is a periodic orbit. We also prove that arbitrarily close to an endomorphism T: K → K there exists an endomorphism T̃: K → K with every orbit finally periodic.

Dependence of hidden attractors on non-linearity and Hamilton energy in a class of chaotic system

Ge Zhang, Chunni Wang, Ahmed Alsaedi, Jun Ma, Guodong Ren (2018)


Non-linearity is essential for occurrence of chaos in dynamical system. The size of phase space and formation of attractors are much dependent on the setting of nonlinear function and parameters. In this paper, a three-variable dynamical system is controlled by different nonlinear function thus a class of chaotic system is presented, the Hamilton function is calculated to find the statistical dynamical property of the improved dynamical systems composed of hidden attractors. The standard dynamical...

Derivation of physically motivated constraints for efficient interval simulations applied to the analysis of uncertain dynamical systems

Mareile Freihold, Eberhard P. Hofer (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Interval arithmetic techniques such as VALENCIA-IVP allow calculating guaranteed enclosures of all reachable states of continuous-time dynamical systems with bounded uncertainties of both initial conditions and system parameters. Considering the fact that, in naive implementations of interval algorithms, overestimation might lead to unnecessarily conservative results, suitable consistency tests are essential to obtain the tightest possible enclosures. In this contribution, a general framework for...

Currently displaying 1061 – 1080 of 4754